Earlier today, I was going to swallow my pride and ask for help here on something that is supposed to be dirt-simple: Using the EEPROM capability on an 8-bit microcontroller to store four variables that I need to keep track of between power-cycles.
The microcontroller in question is the Microchip Technology AT89LP51ED2.
I even spent the good portion of a morning making absolutely sure my Keil compiler was behaving, and another couple of hours on top of that to make sure the chip burner and fuse settings were correct.
Sure enough: There's a product recall affecting the lot we purchased from Digikey last year. The defect is that the chips have the EEPROM function totally disabled. (No shit, Sherlock.)
Link: https://media.digikey.com/pdf/PCNs/Microchip/Recall_Letter_AT89LP51ED2_and_AT89LP51ID2_Devices.pdf
So there's two day's of my life I'll never get back.
Thanks Microchip, and thanks Digikey for letting us know.
Maybe Digikey doesn't know who got which inventory? If so, I'm a little surprised by that.
It's just very frustrating. (And so I'm venting a bit..)
I moved the project over to an AT89S8253 this afternoon with very minor code revision required. Problem solved.
The microcontroller in question is the Microchip Technology AT89LP51ED2.
I even spent the good portion of a morning making absolutely sure my Keil compiler was behaving, and another couple of hours on top of that to make sure the chip burner and fuse settings were correct.
Sure enough: There's a product recall affecting the lot we purchased from Digikey last year. The defect is that the chips have the EEPROM function totally disabled. (No shit, Sherlock.)
Link: https://media.digikey.com/pdf/PCNs/Microchip/Recall_Letter_AT89LP51ED2_and_AT89LP51ID2_Devices.pdf
So there's two day's of my life I'll never get back.
Thanks Microchip, and thanks Digikey for letting us know.
Maybe Digikey doesn't know who got which inventory? If so, I'm a little surprised by that.
It's just very frustrating. (And so I'm venting a bit..)
I moved the project over to an AT89S8253 this afternoon with very minor code revision required. Problem solved.