Two Column Selection Game


Cosmic Debris

The non-profit org I belong to has a push-button match column A with B
type of game for kids to play. The first column either shows about a
half-dozen pictures of birds, snakes or insects and the second column
lists either the name or habitat of the animals. The children (or
adults!) push one button from each column and if the correct pair is
pushed a green led lights up.

What we'd like to do is to have two lights (green and red). That way if
the person picks the wrong pair, the red light would come on. Seems that
a logic gate chip is the way to go.

Can someone suggest a simple way to do this?

On 2008-11-11, Cosmic Debris <> wrote:
The non-profit org I belong to has a push-button match column A with B
type of game for kids to play. The first column either shows about a
half-dozen pictures of birds, snakes or insects and the second column
lists either the name or habitat of the animals. The children (or
adults!) push one button from each column and if the correct pair is
pushed a green led lights up.

What we'd like to do is to have two lights (green and red). That way if
the person picks the wrong pair, the red light would come on. Seems that
a logic gate chip is the way to go.
no, that would be doing it the hard way.

Can someone suggest a simple way to do this?
see below.

| This is an ascii schematic, if the diagram appears garbled |
| try switching to a fixed-pitch font (courier works well) |
| pasting it into notepad works well on ms-windows. |
| or in google groups "show original" (in "more options") |

what you have is probably something like this.

| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
+---(power supply)------------------------------------+

the wires between two coulmns of buttons are probably jumbled
up a bit, and there's probably more rows, but essentially that.

do this:

add some resistors from the buttons on one end to a common point
get a 12V DC powersupply and replace the lamp with the circuit

| |
| +-[220]-+ |
| | | |
+---(button)-------|-------+-(button)-----+ |
| | | |
| +-[220]-+ | |
| | | | |
+---(button)-------|-------+-(button)-----+ |
| | | |
| +-[220]-+ | |
| | | | |
+---(button)-------|-------+-(button)-----+ |
| | | |
| +-[220]-+ | |
| | | | (RED)
+---(button)-------|-------+-(button)-----+ A |
| | | +
| +-[220]-+ | B /
| | | |/
+---(button)---------------+-(button)---+-+-(GREEN)-+-[220]-| BD649
| | | |\|
| | | ~\
| +-[330]-+ / +
| | |/ |
| +--------Z<------| BD649 |
| 5.6V |\| |
| zener diode ~\ |
| +12V 0V | |
+------(power supply)-------------------------------+----------+

the lamps (RED) and (GREEN) can be any 12V lamp between 2W and 20W
lamps above 10W will probably require a heatsink on the transistors

if you want to use 20mA LEDs instead of lamps replace the 220 and
330 ohm resistors with 10K resistors and use BC547 transistors,
put a 1K resisrtor in series with each LED and 1K resistor
from point A to point B (bypasing the green LED and 1K resistor)



In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share
a cell with many men who have enlarged their penisses, taken Viagra
and are looking for a new relationship
"Cosmic Debris" <> wrote in message
The non-profit org I belong to has a push-button match column A with B
type of game for kids to play. The first column either shows about a
half-dozen pictures of birds, snakes or insects and the second column
lists either the name or habitat of the animals. The children (or adults!)
push one button from each column and if the correct pair is pushed a green
led lights up.

What we'd like to do is to have two lights (green and red). That way if
the person picks the wrong pair, the red light would come on. Seems that a
logic gate chip is the way to go.

Can someone suggest a simple way to do this?

You some logic to remember if a button is pressed, and more logic to light
up the proper LED when the correct buttons are pressed. Then, you want it to
reset after a moment, so somebody else can play.

Another way would be to have the device set up so that the test would
restart on either a wrong answer, or all right.

Either of these could be done using a few logic chips, and a little 'wall
wart' power supply.

Another way to do it would be to have wires and plugs. Wires connected to
the left side pictures, and they plug into the sockets on the right
representing a correct answer. Not as slick, but much easier to do.

Bob Monsen
On Tue, 11 Nov 2008 03:29:59 GMT, Cosmic Debris <>

The non-profit org I belong to has a push-button match column A with B
type of game for kids to play. The first column either shows about a
half-dozen pictures of birds, snakes or insects and the second column
lists either the name or habitat of the animals. The children (or
adults!) push one button from each column and if the correct pair is
pushed a green led lights up.

What we'd like to do is to have two lights (green and red). That way if
the person picks the wrong pair, the red light would come on. Seems that
a logic gate chip is the way to go.

Can someone suggest a simple way to do this?
Well, not so simple, but:

You can't access binary newsgroups through Google,
so if:

is real, I'll email you a schematic if you like.

Cosmic Debris wrote:
The non-profit org I belong to has a push-button match column A with B
type of game for kids to play. The first column either shows about a
half-dozen pictures of birds, snakes or insects and the second column
lists either the name or habitat of the animals. The children (or
adults!) push one button from each column and if the correct pair is
pushed a green led lights up.

What we'd like to do is to have two lights (green and red). That way if
the person picks the wrong pair, the red light would come on. Seems that
a logic gate chip is the way to go.

Can someone suggest a simple way to do this?

I'm just catching up with this NG, so this reply is probably too late,
but here it is anyhow.

This scheme uses SPDT pushbuttons for the "A" column. The boxes are the
red & green lights.

.-->|- -| G |-.
| '---' |
-v +v | .---. |
-A- -B- o--| R |--|<--o
| | | '---' |
o------o | |
| | \_ _/ | ===
| o--o \o-------------o/ o---o GND
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
o------o |
| | \_ _/ |
| o--o \o-------------o/ o---o
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
o------o |
| | \_ _/ |
| o--o \o------------o/ o----o
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
' | |
(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05
Oops - just noticed that pushing 2 "B" buttons could short +v & -v.
This is better:

v v
| |
.-. .-.
( R ( G )
'-' '-'
| |
| |
| | \_ _/
| o--o \o-------------o/ o---o
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
o------o |
| | \_ _/ |
| o--o \o-------------o/ o---o
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
o------o |
| | \_ _/ |
| o--o \o------------o/ o----o
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
' | |

(created by AACircuit v1.28.6 beta 04/19/05

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