TV Repair

My TV has no focus, color and general outline of picture is ok. Can it
be a capacitor?
Yes. Maybe. Sometimes.

Note the handle.

<> wrote in message
My TV has no focus, color and general outline of picture is ok. Can it
be a capacitor?
On Thu, 4 Dec 2008 13:28:12 -0800 (PST), intpest@gmail.comwrote:

My TV has no focus, color and general outline of picture is ok. Can it
be a capacitor?
Yes it can be a capacitor. It can be a resitor. It can be a diode. It
can be other things. Take your pick.
My TV has no focus, color and general outline of picture is ok. Can it
be a capacitor?

Could be a cap.

If the picture is stable.. not zooming in or out.. I'd start with
your input signal.

But, also could be a bad divider that is
usually built into the flyback... (where the focus control is).
Bfore running out to buy a new flyback, check other things

Has the set been dropped. A damage CRT can cause all sorts of
things like this.. from bullseye color circles to no color at
all including no focus.

Since you mentioned no color, you might wanna check from the
video jungle back toward the tuner. Or use a Frequency counter
to check the color crystal is working... the 3.58mhz one.. near
the video jungle chip.

Something else to check is the B+ coming from your voltage regulator
or Primary power supply. If it's too low, that can cause poor focus
mushy looking picture. But, Usually that may also cause the picture
to look like it is bouncing or zooming when scenery changes.. Bad
cap in either PS can cause this... Primary or flyback side.

Also, if your set has some age to it or is played alot, you could have
a bad picture tube (assuming it's a CRT set). A tube Rejuv'er might
buy you a few more years out of it... *IF* you know how to use it.
In my repair days, I had gotten a Sony KV-2680R (Same model set that was used
in the first Poltergiest movie) that was being left by some people that was
moving. A quick tube shot and clean up and the set lasted almost 5 years....
until lightning got it for the 3rd time (sigh... Florida) and popped just
about every semi on the board.

If it's a tv that is out on a porch or patio.. could be just damage
from the elements or bug juice on the board..

Unfortunately, you'll need to give a lot more info on the problem
for even a hope of a reasonable answer since 10 sets with identical
symptoms can each have different problems... ranging from a nice,
relaxing, cup of tea afternoon to a "Just shoot the damn dog, I've
just taken my last asprin." week.

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