Tutorial for Cadence IC 4.4.6 set of tools



Hello All,

I apologize if this issue has already been addressed on the group.
I am having a hard time locating a good beginner's tutorial overview of the
Cadence Custom IC Tools version 4.4.6 We have this version installed on
University machines. The detailed cadence documentation is available, but I
am looking for a "bird's eye view" of the design flow and the tools most
used so that I can get upto speed.

Any links/books/pointers appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help,



"rmathur" <rmathur@binghamton.edu> wrote in message news:<3f223ed0_1@bingnews.binghamton.edu>...
Hello All,

I apologize if this issue has already been addressed on the group.
I am having a hard time locating a good beginner's tutorial overview of the
Cadence Custom IC Tools version 4.4.6 We have this version installed on
University machines. The detailed cadence documentation is available, but I
am looking for a "bird's eye view" of the design flow and the tools most
used so that I can get upto speed.

Any links/books/pointers appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help,

"rmathur" <rmathur@binghamton.edu> asked:
I am looking for a "bird's eye view" of the design flow
and the tools most used so that I can get upto speed.
1. I have posted over 50 university & industry links to this newsgroup;
so do a search for my address and just pick the last posting which has
the complete listing included (please let me know if you find other
good Cadence tutorial links so I can add them to the list which I
maintain on an internal web page).

2. Cadence has a hands-on Custom-IC workshop which 'walks' the Cadence
"Hummingbird PLL" design using the Cadence generic design kit (gpdk)
through most (if not all) the Cadence custom IC tools (e.g., AMS Designer,
Analog Design Environment, Spectre, Aptivia*, UltraSim*, Virtuoso Composer,
NeoCell, Virtuoso Layout Editor, Virtuoso XL, Diva, Assura, etc.).

The asterisk'd items are new in that I've seen them working on Linux &
Solaris with the Cadence Hummingbird PLL, but, I'm not sure if the
walk-thru workshop is 'released' for those yet.

3. I'm also not sure how you (or anyone) would get this wonderful
walk-thru workshop (I guess you contact your normal sales team),
but, I'll take the liberty of mailing you the PDF for the existing
workshop (sans the Aptivia & UltraSim additions & the actual data),
for the purpose of your reviewing the workshop text and letting
me know how it serves (or doesn't serve) your stated tutorial needs.

Speaking specifically of birds-eye-view, the new "world viewer" in the
latest DFII tools gives you a chip-finishing birds-eye view of the chip
as you work on it.

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