Michael C
I asked how can I turn on a 12V relay from a ttl signal before and I got the
circuit below as a response. I tested it and it works fine but unfortunately
I tested it by supplying 12V into the 2.2k resistor. Now when I've connected
it to my little cpu it doesn't work. When I switch on the appropriate pin it
can only muster .67 of a volt. The pin has an internal pullup and does
switch from 0 to 5V without the transistor connected. Did I get the wrong
transisitor or something? It's a BC338 from jaycar. I dunno what these
figures mean but in the catalog it says "Diss @25C 500mW, Vcb 30V, Ic 800mA
Hfe 100, Hfe Bias 100mA"
Many thanks yet again
o----o----- +12V
| |
--- ---
^ | |
1N4001 / \ | | Relay coil
--- ---
| |
IN |/
2K2 |\ Misc. NPN
--o-- GND
circuit below as a response. I tested it and it works fine but unfortunately
I tested it by supplying 12V into the 2.2k resistor. Now when I've connected
it to my little cpu it doesn't work. When I switch on the appropriate pin it
can only muster .67 of a volt. The pin has an internal pullup and does
switch from 0 to 5V without the transistor connected. Did I get the wrong
transisitor or something? It's a BC338 from jaycar. I dunno what these
figures mean but in the catalog it says "Diss @25C 500mW, Vcb 30V, Ic 800mA
Hfe 100, Hfe Bias 100mA"
Many thanks yet again
o----o----- +12V
| |
--- ---
^ | |
1N4001 / \ | | Relay coil
--- ---
| |
IN |/
2K2 |\ Misc. NPN
--o-- GND