Trying to resurrect a dead Sega Master System


Chad Tower

Hi, I'm new to electronics repair and am trying to learn all I can.
I've been reading the FAQ here, and while it's helping me in a very
general beginner's way, I figure coming here and posting can't hurt

The SMS console is dead and was dead when I recently got it. I did a
search here and came across this post:

This post is basically stating to replace a 7905 component, but NOT TO
REPLACE IT WITH A 7805, even if a Radio Shack employee tells you it's
the same thing. Well, I'm looking at the board under the heat sink
and there is a component here labeled 7805 and it appears as though it
may have been poorly soldered in after the fact. Could this have been
a poor attempt at repairing this thing before it got to me? As I
said, I'm very new to this, but... this looks like it may be the case.
Any advice at all would be highly appreciated.
The 7805 and 7905 are 5 volt regulators, BUT the 7805 is a positive
regulator, and the 7905 is a negative one.
So the Radio Shack is full of BS.

"Chad Tower" <> wrote in message
Hi, I'm new to electronics repair and am trying to learn all I can.
I've been reading the FAQ here, and while it's helping me in a very
general beginner's way, I figure coming here and posting can't hurt

The SMS console is dead and was dead when I recently got it. I did a
search here and came across this post:

This post is basically stating to replace a 7905 component, but NOT TO
REPLACE IT WITH A 7805, even if a Radio Shack employee tells you it's
the same thing. Well, I'm looking at the board under the heat sink
and there is a component here labeled 7805 and it appears as though it
may have been poorly soldered in after the fact. Could this have been
a poor attempt at repairing this thing before it got to me? As I
said, I'm very new to this, but... this looks like it may be the case.
Any advice at all would be highly appreciated.
It's good to know the difference... though, since the board I see here
has a 7805 on it... and I found a schematic for the SMS that shows a
7805 in this place... could that post be just as full of BS?


<> wrote in message news:<Sl06c.88433$>...
The 7805 and 7905 are 5 volt regulators, BUT the 7805 is a positive
regulator, and the 7905 is a negative one.
So the Radio Shack is full of BS.

Welcome to

