Trying to find right transistors to use for a project...sal2
Greetings, All
I would like to switch on and off 4 of my 4mW pen lasers on and off (in various ways)
using my usb 6008 DAQ device
however I don't have enough current/voltage to power my 4mW pen lasers from my
usb-6008 DAQ device. Here are some Specs that I've measured from my device.
The digital outputs on the DAQ device produce:
5V, and 1mA (they have a 4.7k ohm resistor I can't get to inside)
What I would like to do is connect my 4 digital outputs from my DAQ device to
4 transistors that would switch the power on and off from a 5V dc Power supply.
I'm having issues trying to figure out which Transistors I need. Can anyone give
a little assistance.
Also if you have any other suggestions I'm open to that also. I'm allways
willing to learn something new.
DAQ) is short for Data Aquisition)
Greetings, All
I would like to switch on and off 4 of my 4mW pen lasers on and off (in various ways)
using my usb 6008 DAQ device
however I don't have enough current/voltage to power my 4mW pen lasers from my
usb-6008 DAQ device. Here are some Specs that I've measured from my device.
The digital outputs on the DAQ device produce:
5V, and 1mA (they have a 4.7k ohm resistor I can't get to inside)
What I would like to do is connect my 4 digital outputs from my DAQ device to
4 transistors that would switch the power on and off from a 5V dc Power supply.
I'm having issues trying to figure out which Transistors I need. Can anyone give
a little assistance.
Also if you have any other suggestions I'm open to that also. I'm allways
willing to learn something new.