Peter Chrisbacher
Greetings all -
The house into which I just moved has a gas fireplace with a remote receiver. I didn't receive a remote transmitter when I moved in.
Rather than replace the pair, I figured I'd just buy a matching remote... easier said than done. The remote transmitter is old and unavailable except on eBay. It's an early model with hardwired jumpers. The (used, fairly old) remote I bought has jumpers 2 - 9 with wires bridging the "jumpers," with two of the wires cut.
The label on the back of the receiver says it was factory set to security code 57, and the remote I purchased says it was factory set to security code 18. So I'm thinking "Easy peasy! Just match the jumpers in the remote with those in the receiver." So that's what I did - I solder-connected a cut jumper and cut one uncut jumper in the remote to match them up.
Unfortunately, no joy, despite fresh batteries in both the receiver and transmitter.
The transmitter LED lights up, so I *assume* it's transmitting. Just wondering if anyone's seen examples where the remote and receiver jumpers *weren't* identical for them to be matched up. One other odd thing; I don't get how the security code of the remote was "18" with the following settings: 2:0 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:0 7:1 8:1 9:1. Nor can I make "57" out of: 2:0 3:0 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:0.
The house into which I just moved has a gas fireplace with a remote receiver. I didn't receive a remote transmitter when I moved in.
Rather than replace the pair, I figured I'd just buy a matching remote... easier said than done. The remote transmitter is old and unavailable except on eBay. It's an early model with hardwired jumpers. The (used, fairly old) remote I bought has jumpers 2 - 9 with wires bridging the "jumpers," with two of the wires cut.
The label on the back of the receiver says it was factory set to security code 57, and the remote I purchased says it was factory set to security code 18. So I'm thinking "Easy peasy! Just match the jumpers in the remote with those in the receiver." So that's what I did - I solder-connected a cut jumper and cut one uncut jumper in the remote to match them up.
Unfortunately, no joy, despite fresh batteries in both the receiver and transmitter.
The transmitter LED lights up, so I *assume* it's transmitting. Just wondering if anyone's seen examples where the remote and receiver jumpers *weren't* identical for them to be matched up. One other odd thing; I don't get how the security code of the remote was "18" with the following settings: 2:0 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:0 7:1 8:1 9:1. Nor can I make "57" out of: 2:0 3:0 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:0.