Terry Pinnell
This circuit is part of a very old project.
Until a few hours ago it was working after a fashion. But while
attempting to improve it I've clearly screwed something up. The
voltage at the +ve terminal of the output cap is now at Vcc (24V),
instead of around 12V. Adjusting the R2 100k preset makes no
difference. Staring and fiddling has got me no closer to discovering
Can anyone help isolate the likely cause please?
(Also posted with attachment in alt.binaries.schematics.electronic)
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Until a few hours ago it was working after a fashion. But while
attempting to improve it I've clearly screwed something up. The
voltage at the +ve terminal of the output cap is now at Vcc (24V),
instead of around 12V. Adjusting the R2 100k preset makes no
difference. Staring and fiddling has got me no closer to discovering
Can anyone help isolate the likely cause please?
(Also posted with attachment in alt.binaries.schematics.electronic)
Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK