Lothar Behrens
I have a PICSTART microcontroller programmer and some 16C84 and one
16C71. Both couldn't be programmed, but the chips
were in stock (in an ESD save box). One is an EEPROM type and the
other an EPROM type.
I have measured the programming voltage and it is about 13V. The chip
seems to be programmed in very less time compared to a verify.
Also I have tested with a simple frequency counter if there is any
frequence on the programming pin 13 (16C84).
While blank testing the pin measures about 4 KHz and the pin 12 about
29 KHz. That is not precise but it shows some traffic ;-)
But then when programming, no traffic is there also no traffic on
clock. This is on both reading and programming.
To ensure that the programmer isn't the problem I like to do some more
My system is Windows 2000 and the programmer software is the
MPS16B.EXE version 5.00.00.
What else could I do?
(The analog multiplexer chip MC74HC4066N and the 4x open collector
What function do they have?
There are several other programmer software packages (GPL) that I
could use. Which one works with the orginal programmer?
(PICSTART-16B1 Firmware V2.0)
The 16C84 could be programmed incircuit. What software (GPL) could I
use to programm it on parallel port using AN589?
Is the source code of that AN available on net?
There is an open source programmer (usbpicproc) that is more modern
and does support more chips. Makes this the old one obsolete?
I don't believe now that the chips that should be programmed are the
cause of failure.
I have a PICSTART microcontroller programmer and some 16C84 and one
16C71. Both couldn't be programmed, but the chips
were in stock (in an ESD save box). One is an EEPROM type and the
other an EPROM type.
I have measured the programming voltage and it is about 13V. The chip
seems to be programmed in very less time compared to a verify.
Also I have tested with a simple frequency counter if there is any
frequence on the programming pin 13 (16C84).
While blank testing the pin measures about 4 KHz and the pin 12 about
29 KHz. That is not precise but it shows some traffic ;-)
But then when programming, no traffic is there also no traffic on
clock. This is on both reading and programming.
To ensure that the programmer isn't the problem I like to do some more
My system is Windows 2000 and the programmer software is the
MPS16B.EXE version 5.00.00.
What else could I do?
(The analog multiplexer chip MC74HC4066N and the 4x open collector
What function do they have?
There are several other programmer software packages (GPL) that I
could use. Which one works with the orginal programmer?
(PICSTART-16B1 Firmware V2.0)
The 16C84 could be programmed incircuit. What software (GPL) could I
use to programm it on parallel port using AN589?
Is the source code of that AN available on net?
There is an open source programmer (usbpicproc) that is more modern
and does support more chips. Makes this the old one obsolete?
I don't believe now that the chips that should be programmed are the
cause of failure.