Alex Rast
I'm trying to write various procedures which map signals in various ways, but
for whatever reason, my synthesis tool (Synplify) is complaining.
For instance, if I have a procedure like this:
procedure MapVectorA2VectorB(signal InputVector : in std_logic_vector; signal
MappingVector : inout std_logic_vector) is
variable translated_index_num : integer;
MapVector : for index_num in InputVector'RANGE loop
translated_index_num := {expression(index_num)}
MappingVector(translated_index_num) <= InputVector(index_num);
end loop;
end MapVectorA2VectorB;
Synplify complains that in the signal assignment statement, I should instead
have a :=. Where am I going awry?
I think, also, that you get the general idea of what I'm trying to achieve:
map or slice some signal onto some other signal in a non-obvious way. What
would be the best way to handle this situation with a generalised method, i.e.
one that wouldn't require you typing in the same code into multiple modules?
Alex Rast
(remove d., .7, not, and .NOSPAM to reply)
for whatever reason, my synthesis tool (Synplify) is complaining.
For instance, if I have a procedure like this:
procedure MapVectorA2VectorB(signal InputVector : in std_logic_vector; signal
MappingVector : inout std_logic_vector) is
variable translated_index_num : integer;
MapVector : for index_num in InputVector'RANGE loop
translated_index_num := {expression(index_num)}
MappingVector(translated_index_num) <= InputVector(index_num);
end loop;
end MapVectorA2VectorB;
Synplify complains that in the signal assignment statement, I should instead
have a :=. Where am I going awry?
I think, also, that you get the general idea of what I'm trying to achieve:
map or slice some signal onto some other signal in a non-obvious way. What
would be the best way to handle this situation with a generalised method, i.e.
one that wouldn't require you typing in the same code into multiple modules?
Alex Rast
(remove d., .7, not, and .NOSPAM to reply)