Tim Wescott
In my travels I have found that -- in the US at least -- HDL choice is
very strongly correlated to location: designers on the west coast tend
to use Verilog instead of VHDL, the obverse is the true of folks on the
east coast.
Designers on each coast like to adopt a cosmopolitan air and claim to be
_completely agnostic_ about which language that they'd prefer to use --
at least during the job interview. Then when it comes time to actually
write lines of code, most of them will kick and scream (or at least
quietly hyperventilate) if they don't get to use the language that
they're accustomed to.
So -- where are you from, and what HDL do you use? Have you seen
patterns of language use in your area change in the last decade or so?
I'm particularly interested in hearing from folks outside the US, and
from folks in the US but not on the coasts. Noting whether you're from
a military hardware background or purely civilian is of interest, too.
Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Do you need to implement control loops in software?
"Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems" was written for you.
See details at http://www.wescottdesign.com/actfes/actfes.html
very strongly correlated to location: designers on the west coast tend
to use Verilog instead of VHDL, the obverse is the true of folks on the
east coast.
Designers on each coast like to adopt a cosmopolitan air and claim to be
_completely agnostic_ about which language that they'd prefer to use --
at least during the job interview. Then when it comes time to actually
write lines of code, most of them will kick and scream (or at least
quietly hyperventilate) if they don't get to use the language that
they're accustomed to.
So -- where are you from, and what HDL do you use? Have you seen
patterns of language use in your area change in the last decade or so?
I'm particularly interested in hearing from folks outside the US, and
from folks in the US but not on the coasts. Noting whether you're from
a military hardware background or purely civilian is of interest, too.
Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
Do you need to implement control loops in software?
"Applied Control Theory for Embedded Systems" was written for you.
See details at http://www.wescottdesign.com/actfes/actfes.html