Assuming I have this tristate open drain buffer defined as (my library
has this buffer)
assign out = en ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
Now I want to simulate this buffer. The way I try is to connect two
such buffers, e.g.,
tribuffer tri1(.out(out), .en(en1));
tribuffer tri2(.out(out), .en(en2));
tribuffer is the module name and I define en1 and en2 as regs and out
as tri. Outlining all combinations of en1 and en2, I can only get out
is either 0 or z. Never seen out = 1.
My question is that how can I specify out is a pullup wire (or maybe
other types) to obtain 1? Or if this way is not a doable way to test
it, what is the better way to test it?
Assuming I have this tristate open drain buffer defined as (my library
has this buffer)
assign out = en ? 1'bz : 1'b0;
Now I want to simulate this buffer. The way I try is to connect two
such buffers, e.g.,
tribuffer tri1(.out(out), .en(en1));
tribuffer tri2(.out(out), .en(en2));
tribuffer is the module name and I define en1 and en2 as regs and out
as tri. Outlining all combinations of en1 and en2, I can only get out
is either 0 or z. Never seen out = 1.
My question is that how can I specify out is a pullup wire (or maybe
other types) to obtain 1? Or if this way is not a doable way to test
it, what is the better way to test it?