Rikard Bosnjakovic
I've built a clock-circuit (a 74LS192 is the heart in it) that works
well. Except for one thing, I need a (manual) trigger pulse for it to
work 100%. I've been googling and asking around a couple of friends, and
this far I've got two solutions for creating a pulse with a mechanical
Solution 1:
Using a two-state button, connect it to a SR-latch and connect the
Q-output to the pulse-trigger on the 74LS192. The SR will filter away
the noise from the button. Tested with two switches, and it works.
Solution 2:
Using an RC-filter with a Schmitt-trigger, R=10kohm and C=5uF:
/ 2R | \
\ | \
/ | \
/ R | | ____\
+---/ ---/\/\--+---------| / / +----
| | | _/_/ /
\ ----- C | /
----- | /
| | /
Schematic sent to me by a friend. Untested, but he assured me "it will
Problems with solution 1: I only have one-state buttons, so I cannot
make the latch switch properly.
Problems with solution 2: I don't have any Schmitt-triggers. I have
ordered a couple of Schmitt-triggers now and they will probably arrive
in a week or two.
But since I'm a beginner in electronics, I'm getting frustrated at
waiting for components to arrive so I tried to brainstorm myself and my
breadboard to see if I couldn't build a pulse with the components I have
at home (one-state buttons, resistors, diodes, capacitors, tons of
ordinary AND/OR/NAND/etc-gates).
I've got very little knowledge (I'm still learning), but somehow I was
convinced that this small construction would work as a pulse-trigger:
+ ---/ ----||---- ->
But it didn't. This made me learn that capacitors doesn't load up fully
before releasing the current to the circuit, which I wrongly obviously
had thought earlier.
So, to end this post and trying to settle my frustration before my new
components arrives, is it possible to shoot a pulse with the components
I'm having at home (stated above)?
If anyone could fill me in about the capacitors I miss knowledge of I
would be pleased.
Rikard Bosnjakovic http://bos.hack.org/cv/
Anyone sending unwanted advertising e-mail to my address will be
charged $250 for network traffic and computing time. By extracting
address from this message or its header, you agree to these terms.
I've built a clock-circuit (a 74LS192 is the heart in it) that works
well. Except for one thing, I need a (manual) trigger pulse for it to
work 100%. I've been googling and asking around a couple of friends, and
this far I've got two solutions for creating a pulse with a mechanical
Solution 1:
Using a two-state button, connect it to a SR-latch and connect the
Q-output to the pulse-trigger on the 74LS192. The SR will filter away
the noise from the button. Tested with two switches, and it works.
Solution 2:
Using an RC-filter with a Schmitt-trigger, R=10kohm and C=5uF:
/ 2R | \
\ | \
/ | \
/ R | | ____\
+---/ ---/\/\--+---------| / / +----
| | | _/_/ /
\ ----- C | /
----- | /
| | /
Schematic sent to me by a friend. Untested, but he assured me "it will
Problems with solution 1: I only have one-state buttons, so I cannot
make the latch switch properly.
Problems with solution 2: I don't have any Schmitt-triggers. I have
ordered a couple of Schmitt-triggers now and they will probably arrive
in a week or two.
But since I'm a beginner in electronics, I'm getting frustrated at
waiting for components to arrive so I tried to brainstorm myself and my
breadboard to see if I couldn't build a pulse with the components I have
at home (one-state buttons, resistors, diodes, capacitors, tons of
ordinary AND/OR/NAND/etc-gates).
I've got very little knowledge (I'm still learning), but somehow I was
convinced that this small construction would work as a pulse-trigger:
+ ---/ ----||---- ->
But it didn't. This made me learn that capacitors doesn't load up fully
before releasing the current to the circuit, which I wrongly obviously
had thought earlier.
So, to end this post and trying to settle my frustration before my new
components arrives, is it possible to shoot a pulse with the components
I'm having at home (stated above)?
If anyone could fill me in about the capacitors I miss knowledge of I
would be pleased.
Rikard Bosnjakovic http://bos.hack.org/cv/
Anyone sending unwanted advertising e-mail to my address will be
charged $250 for network traffic and computing time. By extracting
address from this message or its header, you agree to these terms.