"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
and I'll put your teeth through your brain and out the back of your skull.
Fuckhead Phil!
Hide behind usenet and type what you want. Talk to me like that to my face"RogerNutcase"
** = brain dead FUCKING LIAR.
You evidently seem to think....
** Total fuckheads like you do not get to sum up anything or anyone.
You claim the cc/cv charging would take very long, that is true, but how
would that readily lend itself to overcharging and thermal runaway?
** First rule of usenet posting is to always post questions and comments
UNDER the words you want to address.
Never re-phrase what another said and then ask them to respond to that.
Cos only lying cunts do that.
Your claims of short battery life would be true if we where talking about
NimH, overcharging them destroys them right away.
** False and irrelevant.
If you have better ideas, please share them, all you done so far is
recommend other batteries than the OP wants to use.
** Totally false and a damn lie - as anyone what reads this thread from
the beginning can see.
YOU are a congenital LIAR Roger.
.... Phil
and I'll put your teeth through your brain and out the back of your skull.
Fuckhead Phil!