TRC Electronics for power converters.



I bought a small dc-dc converter today for a nice price from TRC Electronics. I think most of their gear comes from China. The stuff from China has worked well for me so I am not a basher. They have an interesting product offering so if you need something then take a look at what they have.

A few hours after I ordered the converter I received a call from Eric at TRC thanking for order and explaining he was my Power Conversion Expert. (I explained that I was expert as well.) A nice touch although we know he was also doing some fishing for some bigger orders. I explained this was a one up job. I am semi-retired so probably not going to put a dent into their bottom line. I told him I liked products and would always look to TRC first.

By now you're probably wondering what I am doing with converter so I will tell. We engineers are a curious bunch, so here goes.

I am off grid in New Hampshire. I have a Kohler generator that I run when sun isn't performing well. Generator controller sucks battery down in a few hours if my inverter isn't providing 120vac to the generator. So generator relies on shore(inverter) power to keep float charger running. This is typical. I have crappy inverter that pulls 2 amps from my 48v battery bank - Yes, about 2.4kWh each day when ideling along - a large part of my power budget. So I prefer to keep it off when sleeping or at part-time job. DCtoDC converter is 48vdc in and 13.5vdc out to keep battery float charged without running crappy inverter.

So if you need a converter then give Eric a call at TRC ELectronics. In the meantime take a look at their products. AGAIN - I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH TRC IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN LIKING THEIR PRODUCTS.
Yzordderrex wrote...
I bought a small dc-dc converter today for a nice price
from TRC Electronics. I think most of their gear comes
from China. ...

I like their BENCH 400-2.5XR model, has ethernet control.

- Win

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