Anyone know why or what the mechanism is that causes large power
transmission lines to differant power carrying capacities depending on
which way the power is flowing.
Was reading some Nemmco reports regarding the power outages of the
last few days and discovered that the main power interconnector
between Victoria and SA is rated at 500 MW in the direction of SA >
VIC but only 160 MW Vic > SA.
Others are similar, VIc > NSW is more than NSW to VIC over the same
power line.
I would have thought that wires dont care about direction.
transmission lines to differant power carrying capacities depending on
which way the power is flowing.
Was reading some Nemmco reports regarding the power outages of the
last few days and discovered that the main power interconnector
between Victoria and SA is rated at 500 MW in the direction of SA >
VIC but only 160 MW Vic > SA.
Others are similar, VIc > NSW is more than NSW to VIC over the same
power line.
I would have thought that wires dont care about direction.