Transistor search


Břrge Strand

I'm building an audip DAC/preamp combo. To complete it I need two discrete
transistors for two different purposes. One is to convert a Maxim MAX6126
voltage reference into a current reference, the other is to serve as a
source or emitter follower that drives a phono or xlr line output.

The reference generates a DC current while the follower processes audio
frequencies. Both need to have very little noise and distortion. Which
families of small signal transistors are best suited for these applications?
FETs for their high input impedance, bipolars for high gm? I'll let noise
and distortion decide.

My currents are in the neighborhood of 1-10mA. Power supplies may go up to
+-18V if required. Matched transistor pairs would be preferred.

Hope you guys can help me here, mailing discretes suppliers yielded no reply
at all.



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