Peter Percival
I though I'd like to learn a bit about electronics and to that end I'd
like to buy a book of transistor circuits, a breadboard, and various
components to experiment. Can anyone recommend a book that uses
transistors that I can buy in the UK? Also, who is a good supplier of
components generally?
Do, as a concession to my poor wits, Lord Darlington, just explain
to me what you really mean.
I think I had better not, Duchess. Nowadays to be intelligible is
to be found out. -- Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan
like to buy a book of transistor circuits, a breadboard, and various
components to experiment. Can anyone recommend a book that uses
transistors that I can buy in the UK? Also, who is a good supplier of
components generally?
Do, as a concession to my poor wits, Lord Darlington, just explain
to me what you really mean.
I think I had better not, Duchess. Nowadays to be intelligible is
to be found out. -- Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan