I'm looking to build a circuit that will alert me to the location of a
lost model airplane based on modifying a commercially available lost
plane finder. I de-soldered the wimpy 5 VDC piezo alarm off the board
of the commercial unit. I probed the two pads where the piezo alarm was
powered and confirmed I get a steady on-off pulse of 5VDC with a
one-second interval. (I did a test with a small reed relay and got
enough current to throw the relay and close a circuit on a much more
powerful 12VDC piezo siren (this unit has a piezo driver and just needs
12VDC and it starts hollering!)
I would have just stuck with this however my goal was to get all the
goodies back into the black case the loud piezo siren. Space is tight
so I looked to use a switching transistor instead. I hooked up the
commercial lost plane finder so that it had power and as I was
completing the wiring it just started working! My intention was to
connect the emitter to the negative side of the Piezo siren/lost plane
finder (labeled simply as "on/off 5 VDC) in the photo)
Now I'm confused why this is working and am hesitant to start hooking
up more wires when its working already.
How can this circuit work with the emitter not connected to anything?
Here's a link to the photo I took of a schematic I have drawn of the
current working config.
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks, Lawrence
lost model airplane based on modifying a commercially available lost
plane finder. I de-soldered the wimpy 5 VDC piezo alarm off the board
of the commercial unit. I probed the two pads where the piezo alarm was
powered and confirmed I get a steady on-off pulse of 5VDC with a
one-second interval. (I did a test with a small reed relay and got
enough current to throw the relay and close a circuit on a much more
powerful 12VDC piezo siren (this unit has a piezo driver and just needs
12VDC and it starts hollering!)
I would have just stuck with this however my goal was to get all the
goodies back into the black case the loud piezo siren. Space is tight
so I looked to use a switching transistor instead. I hooked up the
commercial lost plane finder so that it had power and as I was
completing the wiring it just started working! My intention was to
connect the emitter to the negative side of the Piezo siren/lost plane
finder (labeled simply as "on/off 5 VDC) in the photo)
Now I'm confused why this is working and am hesitant to start hooking
up more wires when its working already.
How can this circuit work with the emitter not connected to anything?
Here's a link to the photo I took of a schematic I have drawn of the
current working config.
Any thoughts on this?
Thanks, Lawrence