I have a 14V centre tap transformer which was connected to an
amplifier board in parallel. I connected the two AC outputs together
so I could use it with another project but I couldn't get a reading on
the multimeter. Do these only work in parallel? Why would it only give
me a reading when measuring the two AC outs seperate?
I am also thinking about getting a 9-0-9V toroidal from Altronics but
want to use it was a single voltage supply. Can I join the two 9V
outputs together to make 18V?
Thank you.
amplifier board in parallel. I connected the two AC outputs together
so I could use it with another project but I couldn't get a reading on
the multimeter. Do these only work in parallel? Why would it only give
me a reading when measuring the two AC outs seperate?
I am also thinking about getting a 9-0-9V toroidal from Altronics but
want to use it was a single voltage supply. Can I join the two 9V
outputs together to make 18V?
Thank you.