transformer polarity question US v AU

I've just purchased a new piece of recording equipment from the US, and
prior to hooking it up i wanted check whether i'm gonna frazzle my new
The unit's input is DC in, polarity (-)--(0--(+), the AC adaptor it
arrived with is 100-240V (50-60hz) output 12V 2.5A (+)--0)--(-).
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

** You a member of the famous Aussie 70s rock band ??

Got a copy of "Evolution " in my LP stack.

I've just purchased a new piece of recording equipment from the US, and
prior to hooking it up i wanted check whether i'm gonna frazzle my new
The unit's input is DC in, polarity (-)--(0--(+), the AC adaptor it
arrived with is 100-240V (50-60hz) output 12V 2.5A (+)--0)--(-).
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

** Sorree - your posted info is just not clear enough.

Is the DC plug the common hollow tip sort ??

More details please.

........... Phil
Hi Phil, sorry if my info was unclear...
Here's a pic of it, i hope that helps clarify -

btw. no, not a member of shud (a fan though, obviously ;).
yep...evolution is mighty fine album, keep that one stashed!
Does it have a "figure 8" mains plug? If so then you can probably
substitute an Australian cord. Your posted specs say it can handle
100-240V at 50-60Hz which means it handles both US and AU mains.
Hi, yes...thanks for the advice, it does have a figure 8 mains. So it
should be good to go?
Dean wrote:

Hi, yes...thanks for the advice, it does have a figure 8 mains. So it
should be good to go?

it clearly shows the oz/nz c-tick approval, which "suggests" it is safe
to plug in to local mains.


Don McKenzie
E-Mail Contact Page:

Micro,TTL,USB to 1.5" color LCD
USB,RS232 or TTL to VGA Monitor
World's smallest USB 2 TTL Conv
Hi Phil, sorry if my info was unclear...
Here's a pic of it, i hope that helps clarify -

** Looks like the plug is the wrong DC polarity for the device.

You could cut the DC lead and reverse the wires with a staggered join.

btw. no, not a member of shud (a fan though, obviously ;).
yep...evolution is mighty fine album, keep that one stashed!

** What that also the name of the surfing movie the "shud" performed live
for ( Evolution ) ??

Saw it and them ( only just, hiding down in the orchestra pit) at the Sydney
Uni Union theatre in 1970.

Had " Lady Sunshine " going on in my head for weeks after ......

All Lenard amps and vocal PA system - IIRC.

.......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
Saw it and them ( only just, hiding down in the orchestra pit) at the
Sydney Uni Union theatre in 1970.

......... Phil
Hmmm... so the truth is starting to surface about your Uni days hey Phil?
Perhaps something questionable happened that led to you leaving Sydney Uni,
never to be seen there again?????

gobble, gobble,........ gobble, gobble..........
** This is not ever going to stop:

The Rutmaniac Arse Bandit has **NEVER** told us how much money
the Thai pal he "imported" into Perth ripped off from his credit card and
bank accounts.

He has refused, over and over, to say why he never reported the crime his
Thai boy lover committed to his Bank or to the WA police.

** This post of his on " asia " from 1997 explains the event:


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist after
he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

** I do not care how many of your vile, criminal colleagues you organise
to intimidate me.

It only makes you look so much WORSE !!!

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
** This is not ever going to stop:
That's quite okay Phil. Just keep posting. You're the one that's going to
look stupid. :)

The Rutmaniac Arse Bandit has **NEVER** told us how much money
the Thai pal he "imported" into Perth ripped off from his credit card and
bank accounts.

He has refused, over and over, to say why he never reported the crime his
Thai boy lover committed to his Bank or to the WA police.

** This post of his on " asia " from 1997 explains the event:


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

** I do not care how many of your vile, criminal colleagues you organise
to intimidate me.

It only makes you look so much WORSE !!!

........ Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
Hi Phil, sorry if my info was unclear...
Here's a pic of it, i hope that helps clarify -

** Looks like the plug is the wrong DC polarity for the device.

You could cut the DC lead and reverse the wires with a staggered join.
I don't think it is?

From original post:
"The unit's input is DC in, polarity (-)--(0--(+), the AC adaptor it
arrived with is 100-240V (50-60hz) output 12V 2.5A (+)--0)--(-)."

+ve is drawn in both cases to the centre pin. No need to reverse the lead.
Of course checking the voltage with a multimeter would be a good thing to
confirm this.

"Ross Marchant"
"Phil Allison"

** Looks like the plug is the wrong DC polarity for the device.

You could cut the DC lead and reverse the wires with a staggered join.

I don't think it is?

From original post:
"The unit's input is DC in, polarity (-)--(0--(+), the AC adaptor it
arrived with is 100-240V (50-60hz) output 12V 2.5A (+)--0)--(-)."

+ve is drawn in both cases to the centre pin. No need to reverse the lead.
Of course checking the voltage with a multimeter would be a good thing to
confirm this.

** Your point may well be valid - but the OP would have to be mentally
retarded to not realise the two diagrams were the same.

............ Phil
Thanks for all your advice, i finally plucked up the courage to give it
a go and it appears to work fine :), just gotta actually record
something now ;)

Yeah, it may have been "Evolution" or "Morning Of The Earth", both
where Surf movies. I'm pretty sure they recorded an entire album's
worth for "MOTE" and at some stage tracks where drafted in by G Wayne
Thomas, Brian Cadd etc.. (to give it a more "POP" feel), which
obviously worked at some level, as that LP sold bucketloads! They also
recorded "Bali Waters" EP, and a rare "concept" LP "Goolutionites & The
Real People" (give me a bell if you drag one of those out of the vaults

Alan Rutlidge wrote:
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

Saw it and them ( only just, hiding down in the orchestra pit) at the
Sydney Uni Union theatre in 1970.

......... Phil

Hmmm... so the truth is starting to surface about your Uni days hey Phil?
Perhaps something questionable happened that led to you leaving Sydney Uni,
never to be seen there again?????

gobble, gobble,........ gobble, gobble..........
I have a suspicion it was hiding down in the orchestra pit that did it,
or more likely jumping out at the cute little violinist whilst wearing
nothing but a ribbon :)
"Geoff" <>>>
I have a suspicion it was hiding down in the orchestra pit that did it, or
more likely jumping out at the cute little violinist whilst wearing
nothing but a ribbon :)

** Reading is not one of Geoff's skills is it?


I was not a uni student in 1970.

........... Phil
"Alan Rutlidge" <don'> wrote in message
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

Saw it and them ( only just, hiding down in the orchestra pit) at the
Sydney Uni Union theatre in 1970.

......... Phil

Hmmm... so the truth is starting to surface about your Uni days hey Phil?
Perhaps something questionable happened that led to you leaving Sydney
Uni, never to be seen there again?????

gobble, gobble,........ gobble, gobble..........
and there was this little gem from the predator Phillis

4. Phil Allison Dec 3 2004, 9:05 am show options

Newsgroups: aus.electronics
From: "Phil Allison" <> - Find messages by this
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 10:05:40 +1100
Local: Fri, Dec 3 2004 9:05 am
Subject: Where is Arpit ??
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original
| Report Abuse

Hi to all,

Former regular poster, 16 year old "Arpit " has not been heard from on
this or other NGs since late May this year - according to the Google
Groups Archive.

Back then he was planning a dangerous project involving high current and
high voltages - he was enquiring about getting a high capacity AC power
outlet fitted to do this.

Maybe his parents "pulled the plug" ??

Hope he is OK.

............... Phil
"Geoff" <> wrote in message
Alan Rutlidge wrote:
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

Saw it and them ( only just, hiding down in the orchestra pit) at the
Sydney Uni Union theatre in 1970.

......... Phil

Hmmm... so the truth is starting to surface about your Uni days hey Phil?
Perhaps something questionable happened that led to you leaving Sydney
Uni, never to be seen there again?????

gobble, gobble,........ gobble, gobble..........

I have a suspicion it was hiding down in the orchestra pit that did it, or
more likely jumping out at the cute little violinist whilst wearing
nothing but a ribbon :)
Nah they were encouraged to do that sort of thing in the 60s and 70s at fact the govt paid them to do it ;)

//Adam F
"PA shadow" <> wrote in message
and there was this little gem from the predator Phillis

4. Phil Allison Dec 3 2004, 9:05 am show options

Newsgroups: aus.electronics
From: "Phil Allison" <> - Find messages by
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 10:05:40 +1100
Local: Fri, Dec 3 2004 9:05 am
Subject: Where is Arpit ??
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show
| Report Abuse

Hi to all,

Former regular poster, 16 year old "Arpit " has not been heard from on
this or other NGs since late May this year - according to the Google
Groups Archive.

Back then he was planning a dangerous project involving high current and
high voltages - he was enquiring about getting a high capacity AC power
outlet fitted to do this.

Maybe his parents "pulled the plug" ??

Hope he is OK.

.............. Phil

Phil was right to be concerned - no telling what happened to the kid. He was
really tossing up some dangerous ideas.

"Ken Taylor"
Phil was right to be concerned - no telling what happened to the kid. He
really tossing up some dangerous ideas.

** Thank-you Ken.

Now please explain why you tell other folk to killfile me.

........... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:

"Ken Taylor"

Phil was right to be concerned - no telling what happened to the kid. He
really tossing up some dangerous ideas.

** Thank-you Ken.

Now please explain why you tell other folk to killfile me.

.......... Phil

How about you explain why you were ejected from University
what dreadful indiscretion did you commit that your future was ruined
the only conclusion to be drawn from your current predicament

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