Benjamin Couillard
Hi everyone, I've got a question.
Let's say I have a PLL that generates a 100 MHz clock and a 200 MHz
clock. The clocks are in phase, i.e. a rising edge on the 100 MHz
occurs at the same time as a rising edge 200 MHz clock.
.. In my application I want to process the data @ 200 MHz to reduce
filter complexity, i.e. my filters would use only half of the
multipliers compared to running the filters @ 100 MHz. However, the
effective sampling rate would remain the same i.e. 100 MHz. I need to
obtain a data valid signal enabled 50% of the time, since there would
be a new data 1 cycle out of 2 on the 200 MHz clock.
I could use an asynchronous FIFO to get the data valid @ 200 MHz, but
I think this solution is overkill since both clocks are in phase-lock.
What would you do? I want the data valid to be enabled 50% of the
time, and I want the data_valid to be '1' when my 16 bits data sample
Best regards
Let's say I have a PLL that generates a 100 MHz clock and a 200 MHz
clock. The clocks are in phase, i.e. a rising edge on the 100 MHz
occurs at the same time as a rising edge 200 MHz clock.
.. In my application I want to process the data @ 200 MHz to reduce
filter complexity, i.e. my filters would use only half of the
multipliers compared to running the filters @ 100 MHz. However, the
effective sampling rate would remain the same i.e. 100 MHz. I need to
obtain a data valid signal enabled 50% of the time, since there would
be a new data 1 cycle out of 2 on the 200 MHz clock.
I could use an asynchronous FIFO to get the data valid @ 200 MHz, but
I think this solution is overkill since both clocks are in phase-lock.
What would you do? I want the data valid to be enabled 50% of the
time, and I want the data_valid to be '1' when my 16 bits data sample
Best regards