Bret Cahill
This particular output is already possible -- the units would be meter/
second^1/2 -- simply by taking the -1/2 order derivative of a
speedometer or by taking the +1/2 order derivative of the output of a
displacement transducer.
The question here is, can you build a transducer that outputs this
quantity directly?
A half-way-between-charge-and-current sensor may also be possible.
Supposing partial transducers turned out to be cheaper, had better
linearity or were enough smaller so that it was cost effective to
replace conventional sensors with even with the additional necessary
step of taking fractional derivatives or fractional anti-derivatives?
Bret Cahill
second^1/2 -- simply by taking the -1/2 order derivative of a
speedometer or by taking the +1/2 order derivative of the output of a
displacement transducer.
The question here is, can you build a transducer that outputs this
quantity directly?
A half-way-between-charge-and-current sensor may also be possible.
Supposing partial transducers turned out to be cheaper, had better
linearity or were enough smaller so that it was cost effective to
replace conventional sensors with even with the additional necessary
step of taking fractional derivatives or fractional anti-derivatives?
Bret Cahill