Traffic Sensors/Red Light Cameras Reprise


Rich Grise


I remember some hoopla not too long ago about traffic sensors, and another
hoopla about red-light cameras.

The other day, I spotted this - Orange County (CA) Register, 8/8/05:*
Q. After being hit three times by cars running red lights, I am in favor
of intersections being monitored by photo cameras. I want to know the
rules. Can you still make a right turn against the red light if not
prohibited by signage - and not get a violation sent to you? If so, how
does the camera know if you have stopped? Also, if you're in the middle of
the intersection waiting to make a left turn and the light turns red, will
you be cited? - Tish Niya, Fountain Valley

A. Five cities in the county have red-light cameras: Santa Ana, Garden
Grove, Costa Mesa, Fullerton and San Juan Capistrano. And, no, you will
not be cited under the conditions you mentioned. A computer, using info
from sensors embedded inthe street, can tell that you slowed to a stop at
the light before turning right, said Vinh Nguyen, a senior civil engineer
with the city of Santa Ana. And the computer can tell that you entered the
intersection before the light turned red. Plus, said City Engineer George
Alvarez, Santa Ana police examine all the photos and would kick out any
citation that isn't proper.

So, I hope that answers any nagging questions, at least for Watson
and Guy. ;-)
* Scanned and OCR'd with my HP4600 transparent scanner and some
OCR s/w that came with it. I only had to make about a half-dozen
little piddly corrections. :)

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