Trade tech dumps the "stamp" product



I just went to get latest newsletter from

and saw that they are getting rid of the stamp range of products and in
their words at
We have decided that this range of product is no longer suited to our
We are therefore quitting out stock at amazing low prices, most way below

Be in quick, stocks will not last.

Product is subject to availability at the time of order.
No rainchecks or back orders accepted.
We reserve the right to discontine product without notice."

I must say, for what the stamp did, I thought the pricing was out of this
Trade Tech must of been the agents for a number of years, I never saw them
once trying to push the sales, like giving a "workshop application" in there
newsletters for them for saying "fixing a 'dog' of TV or VCR with a
intermittent fault" OK I realize that maybe if WES Components sell them to,
maybe they don't "push the sales" either or is it that the "stamp" is just a
over priced heap of junk for those stuck in the "basic language time wrap"
and don't want to move on.
However I did know that Trade Tech did tour the country and ran a either
half day or full day course for using the stamp for a small price a couple
of years back.
Eric wrote:
I just went to get latest newsletter from

and saw that they are getting rid of the stamp range of products and in
their words at
We have decided that this range of product is no longer suited to our
We are therefore quitting out stock at amazing low prices, most way below

Be in quick, stocks will not last.

Product is subject to availability at the time of order.
No rainchecks or back orders accepted.
We reserve the right to discontine product without notice."

I must say, for what the stamp did, I thought the pricing was out of this
Trade Tech must of been the agents for a number of years, I never saw them
once trying to push the sales, like giving a "workshop application" in there
newsletters for them for saying "fixing a 'dog' of TV or VCR with a
intermittent fault" OK I realize that maybe if WES Components sell them to,
maybe they don't "push the sales" either or is it that the "stamp" is just a
over priced heap of junk for those stuck in the "basic language time wrap"
and don't want to move on.
However I did know that Trade Tech did tour the country and ran a either
half day or full day course for using the stamp for a small price a couple
of years back.


Check out
It looks like this is where Trade-Tech was getting them from.

When you compare Stamp prices with what the hardware is worth it does
seem expensive,.but there has been a lot of work put into software,
support and probably documentation.

I find that most people interrested in small microcontrollers are
looking for low cost. I haven't used the Basic Stamp but I do suggest it
if anyone wants relatively simple and easy to use.

PMB wrote:
Eric wrote:
I just went to get latest newsletter from

and saw that they are getting rid of the stamp range of products and in
their words at
We have decided that this range of product is no longer suited to our
We are therefore quitting out stock at amazing low prices, most way below

Be in quick, stocks will not last.

Product is subject to availability at the time of order.
No rainchecks or back orders accepted.
We reserve the right to discontine product without notice."

I must say, for what the stamp did, I thought the pricing was out of this
Trade Tech must of been the agents for a number of years, I never saw them
once trying to push the sales, like giving a "workshop application" in there
newsletters for them for saying "fixing a 'dog' of TV or VCR with a
intermittent fault" OK I realize that maybe if WES Components sell them to,
maybe they don't "push the sales" either or is it that the "stamp" is just a
over priced heap of junk for those stuck in the "basic language time wrap"
and don't want to move on.
However I did know that Trade Tech did tour the country and ran a either
half day or full day course for using the stamp for a small price a couple
of years back.


Check out
It looks like this is where Trade-Tech was getting them from.

When you compare Stamp prices with what the hardware is worth it does
seem expensive,.but there has been a lot of work put into software,
support and probably documentation.

I find that most people interrested in small microcontrollers are
looking for low cost. I haven't used the Basic Stamp but I do suggest it
if anyone wants relatively simple and easy to use.

It seems like the PIC-AXE has pulled the rug out from under the BASIC
Stamp for the entry level hobbyist market. Makes the BASIC Stamp look
ridiculously over-priced and over-complicated.

Dave :)

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