Touch tone phone repair


Bill 2

I'm trying to restore an old desk Nortel touch tone phone. The problem is
that all the tones are lower pitched than what they should be. This is true
for both horizontal, and vertical tones. Is there anything I should look
"Bill 2" <> writes:

I'm trying to restore an old desk Nortel touch tone phone. The problem is
that all the tones are lower pitched than what they should be. This is true
for both horizontal, and vertical tones. Is there anything I should look
On old ATT touch tone phones, this usually meant one of the pot cores
had come unglued.

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"Sam Goldwasser" <> wrote in message
"Bill 2" <> writes:

I'm trying to restore an old desk Nortel touch tone phone. The problem
that all the tones are lower pitched than what they should be. This is
for both horizontal, and vertical tones. Is there anything I should look

On old ATT touch tone phones, this usually meant one of the pot cores
had come unglued.
By the pot cores I assume you mean the two transformer like things on the
back of the keypad? They seemed to be glues securely in place, and I tried
prodding at them while dialing and it is still to low of pitched. If I'm
correct one is used for horizontal and one use for vertical tones right?
Because they are both off by the same amount. Is there any way to adjust
Sam Goldwasser ( writes:
"Bill 2" <> writes:

I'm trying to restore an old desk Nortel touch tone phone. The problem is
that all the tones are lower pitched than what they should be. This is true
for both horizontal, and vertical tones. Is there anything I should look

On old ATT touch tone phones, this usually meant one of the pot cores
had come unglued.

It's probably worth adding that it was common (or universal) in those
pre-IC touchtone phones to use a single transistor for both tones.
It was oscillating on two different frequencies. So there is
something common to the oscillator that is causing the problem, when
someone unware of the odd oscillator might be seeking the cause beyond
the actual oscillator.

"Bill 2" <> writes:

"Sam Goldwasser" <> wrote in message
"Bill 2" <> writes:

I'm trying to restore an old desk Nortel touch tone phone. The problem
that all the tones are lower pitched than what they should be. This is
for both horizontal, and vertical tones. Is there anything I should look

On old ATT touch tone phones, this usually meant one of the pot cores
had come unglued.

By the pot cores I assume you mean the two transformer like things on the

back of the keypad? They seemed to be glues securely in place, and I tried
prodding at them while dialing and it is still to low of pitched. If I'm
correct one is used for horizontal and one use for vertical tones right?
Because they are both off by the same amount. Is there any way to adjust
If they are both off, then it's not the pot cores. And, this doesn't
sound like an adjustment, but a component failure or one way out of

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