Toshiba TV CX29699 Vertical Linearity


Wally Chopyk

My Toshiba TV CX29699 has developed a vertical linearity problem where
the top third of the screen is streched beyond the mask, making heads
and circles appear egg shaped. The problem developed gradually and has
remained unchanged for a few months. I fully expect an electrolytic
capacitor in the vertical circuitry has opened or changed in value. The
question is which one and how to isolate?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions posted... Wally
Wally Chopyk:
The best way to find the exact culprit(s) is to test them with an ESR meter.
Lacking an ESR meter, more time consuming substitution is usually the only
other viable method. The good news is that there are only a handful...
maybe 6 or 8 electrolytics near and around the vertical output chip and
actually in the vertical deflection circuitry.... if in doubt, change them
all..... at most, $10 total. Many times there are one or two little, small
value (1 @ 50) units that cause the most problems.... sometimes they are
different in color than the other electrolytics... maybe red or green .
One of them is usually located away from all the others that are near and
around the output chip..... usually located near the Jungle IC but it will
have the same number designations as the vertical deflection caps..... i.e.
c3xx, or something similar. Do a google archive search for "Toshiba
Television Vertical Problems" and you will find a wealth of information.
Also you can go to the website for this newsgroup at
There, with some searching you will find a lot of helpful information.
Best Regards,
Daniel Sofie
Electronics Supply & Repair

"Wally Chopyk" <> wrote in message
My Toshiba TV CX29699 has developed a vertical linearity problem where
the top third of the screen is streched beyond the mask, making heads
and circles appear egg shaped. The problem developed gradually and has
remained unchanged for a few months. I fully expect an electrolytic
capacitor in the vertical circuitry has opened or changed in value. The
question is which one and how to isolate?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions posted... Wally

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