Toshiba motor control IC

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Can anyone help identify a Toshiba IC used for bidirectional control
of a brushed motor? The original part number is partially missing as
the chip has a crater blown in the package when the mechanism

12-pin staggered SIL package, with metal heatsink tab
Legend says TOSHIBA, part number begins TA80

The IC is part of the controller for the power antenna in a 1998 Mazda
323F (known as a Miata in North America I believe). Toshiba don't
list anything similar in their current line-up, so I'm assuming the IC
is EOL and I'm looking at obsolete parts suppliers.

If anyone can identify this chip and, better still, point me to a
datasheet, I might be able to find a similar part or lash something up
using discretes if I can't locate a replacement.


<> wrote in message

Can anyone help identify a Toshiba IC used for bidirectional control
of a brushed motor? The original part number is partially missing as
the chip has a crater blown in the package when the mechanism

12-pin staggered SIL package, with metal heatsink tab
Legend says TOSHIBA, part number begins TA80

The IC is part of the controller for the power antenna in a 1998 Mazda
323F (known as a Miata in North America I believe). Toshiba don't
list anything similar in their current line-up, so I'm assuming the IC
is EOL and I'm looking at obsolete parts suppliers.

If anyone can identify this chip and, better still, point me to a
datasheet, I might be able to find a similar part or lash something up
using discretes if I can't locate a replacement.


for ta80* driver

ID 1 First line: motor mind c TA8082H TA8082H DUAL MOTOR DRIVER Abstract:
... DUAL DC MOTOR DRIVER. The TA8082H contains two motor driver circuits with
a current capacity of 1.5A for directly driving bidirectional DC motors.
Inputs DI1A / B and DI2A / B are combined to select .. Tags: motor mind c
Z/1.5A* TA8082H 213.24 Kb 7 Pages Original PDF Download
datasheet frame
Abstract: .. 0.3A MOTOR DRIVER WITH BRAKE FUNCTION. The TA8052S is a
full-bridge driver which directly drives a bidirectional DC motor. Inputs
DI1 and DI2 are combined to select one of forward, reverse, stop .. Tags:
TA8052S TA8052S 205.57 Kb 7 Pages Original PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 3 First line: TA8062S TA8062S DUAL HIGHSIDE DRIVER Abstract: .. DUAL
HIGHSIDE DRIVER. The TA8062S is a 0.3A highside driver containing two
circuits in one package. The input level is TTL compatible so that the
output can be controlled directly from CPU system .. Tags: TA8062S 163.9
Kb 7 Pages Original PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 4 First line: TA8050F TA8050F Motor Driver with Brake Function Abstract:
... 1.5 A DC Motor Driver with Brake Function. The TA8050F is a 1.5 A motor
driver which directly drives a bidirectional DC motor. Inputs DI1 and DI2
are combined to select one of forward, reverse, stop .. Tags: TA8050F
174.02 Kb 9 Pages Original PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 5 First line: TA8069F TA8069F SIDE DRIVER Abstract: .. 4CH LOW SIDE
DRIVER. TA8069F is built into four 0.5A low-side driver ICs which drive
lamp, relay, and solenoid actuators. Inputs from DI1, DI2, DI3, and DI4
switch ON and OFF modes. Inputs are TTL .. Tags: TA8069F 305.92 Kb 10
Pages Original PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 6 First line: TA8081P TA8081P 0.7A MOTOR DRIVER WITH DIAGNOSIS Abstract:
... 0.7A MOTOR DRIVER WITH DIAGNOSIS. The TA8081P is a 0.7A motor driver
which directly drivers a bidirectional DC motor. Inputs DI1 and DI2 are
combined to select one of forward, reverse, stop, and .. Tags: TA8081P
205.01 Kb 7 Pages Original PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 7 First line: TA8083AF TA8083AF Dual Motor Driver Abstract: .. Dual DC
Motor Driver. The TA8083AF contains two motor driver circuits with a current
capacity of 0.5A for directly driving bidirectional DC motors. Inputs DI1
A/B and DI2 A/B are combined to select .. Tags: TA8083AF TA8083AF 315.39
Kb 11 Pages Original PDF Download
datasheet frame wrote:


Can anyone help identify a Toshiba IC used for bidirectional control
of a brushed motor? The original part number is partially missing as
the chip has a crater blown in the package when the mechanism

12-pin staggered SIL package, with metal heatsink tab
Legend says TOSHIBA, part number begins TA80

The IC is part of the controller for the power antenna in a 1998 Mazda
323F (known as a Miata in North America I believe). Toshiba don't
list anything similar in their current line-up, so I'm assuming the IC
is EOL and I'm looking at obsolete parts suppliers.

If anyone can identify this chip and, better still, point me to a
datasheet, I might be able to find a similar part or lash something up
using discretes if I can't locate a replacement.


Does this help?

YOu can use a dual channel power amp IC, found in basic medium power
stereos for this. Or just fab a bridge from some power fets.

On Oct 16, 9:33 pm, Jamie
<> wrote: wrote:

Can anyone help identify a Toshiba IC used for bidirectional control
of a brushed motor?  The original part number is partially missing as
the chip has a crater blown in the package when the mechanism

12-pin staggered SIL package, with metal heatsink tab
Legend says TOSHIBA, part number begins TA80

The IC is part of the controller for the power antenna in a 1998 Mazda
323F (known as a Miata in North America I believe).  Toshiba don't
list anything similar in their current line-up, so I'm assuming the IC
is EOL and I'm looking at obsolete parts suppliers.

If anyone can identify this chip and, better still, point me to a
datasheet, I might be able to find a similar part or lash something up
using discretes if I can't locate a replacement.



Does this help?

YOu can use a dual channel power amp IC, found in basic medium power
stereos for this. Or just fab a bridge from some power fets.

Excellent, thanks very much for that. I'll trace the circuit tomorrow
and check the pin functions match. Agreed, lots of other bridge chips
will do as a substitute but I'll try a few of the local obsolete
component specialists first.


On Oct 16, 8:53 pm, "N_Cook" <> wrote:> wrote in message


Can anyone help identify a Toshiba IC used for bidirectional control
of a brushed motor?  The original part number is partially missing as
the chip has a crater blown in the package when the mechanism

12-pin staggered SIL package, with metal heatsink tab
Legend says TOSHIBA, part number begins TA80

The IC is part of the controller for the power antenna in a 1998 Mazda
323F (known as a Miata in North America I believe).  Toshiba don't
list anything similar in their current line-up, so I'm assuming the IC
is EOL and I'm looking at obsolete parts suppliers.

If anyone can identify this chip and, better still, point me to a
datasheet, I might be able to find a similar part or lash something up
using discretes if I can't locate a replacement.


for ta80* driver

ID 1    First line: motor mind c TA8082H TA8082H DUAL MOTOR DRIVER Abstract:
.. DUAL DC MOTOR DRIVER. The TA8082H contains two motor driver circuits with
a current capacity of 1.5A for directly driving bidirectional DC motors.
Inputs DI1A / B and DI2A / B are combined to select ..  Tags: motor mind c
Z/1.5A*   TA8082H   213.24 Kb   7 Pages   Original   PDF Download
datasheet frame
Abstract: .. 0.3A MOTOR DRIVER WITH BRAKE FUNCTION. The TA8052S is a
full-bridge driver which directly drives a bidirectional DC motor. Inputs
DI1 and DI2 are combined to select one of forward, reverse, stop ..  Tags:
TA8052S   TA8052S  205.57 Kb  7 Pages  Original  PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 3  First line: TA8062S TA8062S DUAL HIGHSIDE DRIVER Abstract: .. DUAL
HIGHSIDE DRIVER. The TA8062S is a 0.3A highside driver containing two
circuits in one package. The input level is TTL compatible so that the
output can be controlled directly from CPU system ..  Tags:   TA8062S  163.9
Kb  7 Pages  Original  PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 4  First line: TA8050F TA8050F Motor Driver with Brake Function Abstract:
.. 1.5 A DC Motor Driver with Brake Function. The TA8050F is a 1.5 A motor
driver which directly drives a bidirectional DC motor. Inputs DI1 and DI2
are combined to select one of forward, reverse, stop ..  Tags:   TA8050F
174.02 Kb  9 Pages  Original  PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 5  First line: TA8069F TA8069F SIDE DRIVER Abstract: .. 4CH LOW SIDE
DRIVER. TA8069F is built into four 0.5A low-side driver ICs which drive
lamp, relay, and solenoid actuators. Inputs from DI1, DI2, DI3, and DI4
switch ON and OFF modes. Inputs are TTL ..  Tags:   TA8069F  305.92 Kb  10
Pages  Original  PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 6  First line: TA8081P TA8081P 0.7A MOTOR DRIVER WITH DIAGNOSIS Abstract:
.. 0.7A MOTOR DRIVER WITH DIAGNOSIS. The TA8081P is a 0.7A motor driver
which directly drivers a bidirectional DC motor. Inputs DI1 and DI2 are
combined to select one of forward, reverse, stop, and ..  Tags:   TA8081P
205.01 Kb  7 Pages  Original  PDF Download
datasheet frame
ID 7  First line: TA8083AF TA8083AF Dual Motor Driver Abstract: .. Dual DC
Motor Driver. The TA8083AF contains two motor driver circuits with a current
capacity of 0.5A for directly driving bidirectional DC motors. Inputs DI1
A/B and DI2 A/B are combined to select ..  Tags: TA8083AF   TA8083AF  315.39
Kb  11 Pages  Original  PDF Download
datasheet frame
Thanks for that, I'll trace the circuit tomorrow, measure the motor
curent under load and find the most likely match. I don't think the
brake function is being used, there's a current-sense circuit,
comparator and SR flip-flop to detect when the motor stalls at the end
of travel and cut the power. I'm not sure why it blew up, a
completely seized mech should shut down immediately. Maybe add a
heatsink, there's none at all at the moment?



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