Toshiba model cn3281b vert problem


Mr. Lee

What caps will cause problems with vert sweep like fold over at the top of
the screen and half sweep thanks!
Those that are around the Vertical Output IC
also 1 very close to Jungle IC.


"Watch the return E-Mail addy its false"
"Mr. Lee" <> wrote in message
What caps will cause problems with vert sweep like fold over at the top of
the screen and half sweep thanks!
This is very common problem in Toshiba TV
First of all check all caps around vertical output IC
Next step check two caps which is stay very close to Video/Chroma IC.There
is sync impulses goes to vertical output IC.This two caps has 1MfX16V
capacity.Replace them both.I hope after all of this problem will be gone.
"john" <> wrote in message
Those that are around the Vertical Output IC
also 1 very close to Jungle IC.


"Watch the return E-Mail addy its false"
"Mr. Lee" <> wrote in message
What caps will cause problems with vert sweep like fold over at the top
the screen and half sweep thanks!
"Mr. Lee" bravely wrote to "All" (01 Oct 03 15:41:00)
--- on the heady topic of "Toshiba model cn3281b vert problem"

ML> From: "Mr. Lee" <>

ML> What caps will cause problems with vert sweep like fold over at the
ML> top of the screen and half sweep thanks!

If you have half a screen then the problem is more likely the vertical
output rather than a cap. Caps tend to show shrinkage rather than
outright missing halves but it may happen (rare) a cap opens completely.
Foldover is simply the vertical ouput clipping from either a low supply,
low gain, or an offset.

Vertical problems have become the bread and butter of the tv service
industry. I'm sure tv designers can make a vertical output that wouldn't
require any caps but it may mean the tv would last too long. In fact
with judicious design almost no electros would be needed in any circuit.
It's only a matter of convenience (and laziness?) since we're so used to
having them available. Example in the mid to late 70's DCCL amplifiers
finally achieved not having any capacitors in the signal chain at all.


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