Toshiba CZ3299K IDTV Vertical Adjustment


My Name

I have a Toshiba IDTV Model CZ3299k television. It is 12 years old and
still has an excellent picture but the picture has strunk vertically
a little. I opened the back expecting a simple adjustment of the
vertical height pot. But this set has very few pots. On the side I
found a recessed button that when pressed brings up a onscreen display
of address and data (in hex and binary). I suspect going to the
correct one of these address and changing the data will adjust the
vertical. Does anybody have information on this set. A search of the
internet turned up very little.

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Suggest repairing the vertical circuit rathe than mess with the setup menu.
Being 12+ years old some of the caps are probably getting rather nasty and
require changing. Get out the ESE Meter and check out the set, including
those in the vertical circuit. Change the ones that don't check properly.
"My Name" <you@somehost.somedomain> wrote in message
I have a Toshiba IDTV Model CZ3299k television. It is 12 years old and
still has an excellent picture but the picture has strunk vertically
a little. I opened the back expecting a simple adjustment of the
vertical height pot. But this set has very few pots. On the side I
found a recessed button that when pressed brings up a onscreen display
of address and data (in hex and binary). I suspect going to the
correct one of these address and changing the data will adjust the
vertical. Does anybody have information on this set. A search of the
internet turned up very little.

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Time to have the vertical circuit repaired. A 12 year old tv set will
likely have one or more high ESR electrolytic capacitors and this is a
common failure on Toshiba sets.


My Name <you@somehost.somedomain> wrote in message
I have a Toshiba IDTV Model CZ3299k television. It is 12 years old and
still has an excellent picture but the picture has strunk vertically
a little. I opened the back expecting a simple adjustment of the
vertical height pot. But this set has very few pots. On the side I
found a recessed button that when pressed brings up a onscreen display
of address and data (in hex and binary). I suspect going to the
correct one of these address and changing the data will adjust the
vertical. Does anybody have information on this set. A search of the
internet turned up very little.

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