This set suffered a power surge. The set switches on, produces a
raster for a few seconds and shuts down. The SMPS is SOPS type. The
theory of operation is not trivial.
Regulation is from B+ through an opto and TL431.
The B+ open circuit is 138V with the supply making a hum at 595Hz (the
trouble and strife has perfect pitch). Any load, in place of the LOPT
and HOT, causes the supply to groan and shut down. With B+ OC, 431 Ref
is 2.4V, Cathode is 3.8V, reasonable under no load.
Anyone with experience of this set, please?
raster for a few seconds and shuts down. The SMPS is SOPS type. The
theory of operation is not trivial.
Regulation is from B+ through an opto and TL431.
The B+ open circuit is 138V with the supply making a hum at 595Hz (the
trouble and strife has perfect pitch). Any load, in place of the LOPT
and HOT, causes the supply to groan and shut down. With B+ OC, 431 Ref
is 2.4V, Cathode is 3.8V, reasonable under no load.
Anyone with experience of this set, please?