torchiere lamp replacement POT?



Any idea where to buy a 5K pot with switch with 6mm diameter shaft?

The body of the POT is 16mm diameter.

When my torchiere lamps break it is always the POT that goes bad. There
ought to be a lot of replacement torchiere lamp POTS for sale but I could
not find them using google or ebay.

I also checked jameco and mouser. They hardly carry any POT with switch.

I can think of several solutions:

(1) replace the POT with an on/off switch and give up the dimming feature
(2) replace the POT with a 5k pot (without switch), and add a separate
toggle switch
(3) take the POT from a cheaper torchiere lamp to replace the pot of a more
expensive torchiere lamp

Any other ideas?
james <> wrote in message news:ha9n3g$ann$
Any idea where to buy a 5K pot with switch with 6mm diameter shaft?

The body of the POT is 16mm diameter.

When my torchiere lamps break it is always the POT that goes bad. There
ought to be a lot of replacement torchiere lamp POTS for sale but I could
not find them using google or ebay.

I also checked jameco and mouser. They hardly carry any POT with switch.

I can think of several solutions:

(1) replace the POT with an on/off switch and give up the dimming feature
(2) replace the POT with a 5k pot (without switch), and add a separate
toggle switch
(3) take the POT from a cheaper torchiere lamp to replace the pot of a
expensive torchiere lamp

Any other ideas?
I just posted the thread after this on worn out pot with switch also.
How many usages has that pot done , you reckon ?

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
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Replace the pot with an on/off switch and give up the dimming feature.
Get an X10 system. You can turn the light on and off, and dim it,

It's pot, not POT. It's not an acronym, just short (no pun intended) for
"james" <> writes:

Any idea where to buy a 5K pot with switch with 6mm diameter shaft?

The body of the POT is 16mm diameter.

When my torchiere lamps break it is always the POT that goes
bad. There ought to be a lot of replacement torchiere lamp POTS for
sale but I could not find them using google or ebay.

I also checked jameco and mouser. They hardly carry any POT with switch.

I can think of several solutions:

(1) replace the POT with an on/off switch and give up the dimming feature
(2) replace the POT with a 5k pot (without switch), and add a separate
toggle switch
(3) take the POT from a cheaper torchiere lamp to replace the pot of a
more expensive torchiere lamp

Any other ideas?
I assume that the pot either failed mechanically and if not, that you
have tried cleaning the pot before declaring it dead.

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On Oct 4, 1:41 am, "james" <> wrote:
Any idea where to buy a 5K pot with switch with 6mm diameter shaft?

I also checked jameco and mouser. They hardly carry any POT with switch.
....and if they DID, it wouldn't be the right taper. Dimmers aren't
served by linear resistance-versus-position potentiometers.

Bypass the dimmer (make it just a switch) is good.

Replace the dimmer module (craft stores carry this as a
lamp-maker's accessory, maybe a good hardware store will have
them, too). It has to fit the holes you've got, of course.

Upgrade the dimmer to touch-sensitive (no moving parts).

There are in-cord dimmers, and X10 remote control modules
that occupy a wall socket or lamp base, if relocating the
lighting control is suitable for your application.

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