To dbowey and others like him



First off since the post has a whole lot to do with electronics, who the fuck
do you think you are to tell me to stop posting it in electronics groups.
Secondly, I bet that I am a whole lot smarter than you are. For those wondering
what this post is about, I will include the e-mail that I received from dbowey.
Thirdly, if you want to reply like that, why don't you gain some intestinal
fortitude and post a reply in the newsgroup for everyone to read. Fourthly,
since you did not post a reply here, I don't know which of the groups you are a
part of. However since in your e-mail you said all electronics groups, posting
your bullshit here should suffice. The full e-mail as it appeared in my inbox
from dbowey will follow my signature.

Death to psychotronic weaponry, anyone that uses it, produces it, funds it or
covers up for it. All religions are terroristis, brainwashing, mind control,
fraudulent bullshit cults. James M. Vierling Jr.

Subj: Re: Death to psychotronic weaponry (Part 1)
Date: 3/28/04 11:23:38 AM Central Standard Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

You stupid boob.

Quit posting your useless crap on the electronics news boards.
Damn! You did it again. You don't seem to be very bright....... You are
smarter than who?

You stupid boob.

Quit posting your useless crap on the electronics news boards.

Welcome to

