The TLV431 spec <https://www.diodes.com/assets/Datasheets/TLV431.pdf> as
an expample, shows a maximum Ika current rating of +/- 20mA does that
mean it can be run "forward biased" as well as reversed in the usual
Zener-like direction, and source current as well as sink it?
like if you wanted to press it into service in some situation as an
analog to a one-input low voltage op-amp with a large "offset voltage"
where its anode voltage might sometimes be higher than its cathode
an expample, shows a maximum Ika current rating of +/- 20mA does that
mean it can be run "forward biased" as well as reversed in the usual
Zener-like direction, and source current as well as sink it?
like if you wanted to press it into service in some situation as an
analog to a one-input low voltage op-amp with a large "offset voltage"
where its anode voltage might sometimes be higher than its cathode