Tips on where to look for manual scans HP1710a



I took a chance on ebay and bought a HP 1710a scope. Powers up, has a beam I can see if I
hit beam finder button but no horizontal sweep.

So, now I need to find a manual with schematics for it so I can try to fix it. Any ideas
on where to go? I'm hoping there are sites on web that archive this stuff instead of the
guys selling manuals.


Wes wrote:
I took a chance on ebay and bought a HP 1710a scope. Powers up, has a beam I can see if I
hit beam finder button but no horizontal sweep.

So, now I need to find a manual with schematics for it so I can try to fix it. Any ideas
on where to go? I'm hoping there are sites on web that archive this stuff instead of the
guys selling manuals.


I'm assuming you are aware that the Test & Instrument divisions of HP
were among the divisions that were spun off to form Agilent
Technologies, and that you've checked the Agilent website. (No offense
intended, just covering all the bases.)

Some websites and other places where I've had success in finding old HP
manuals are:
HP and Agilent manuals which have not yet been posted to the Agilent website
A site for collectors of HP and Agilent test gear.
A Yahoo! group for "the maintenance, repair, usage and correct usage of
HP/Agilent test equipment." While you have join the group (it's easy) to
post a question, anybody can read the group.
Focuses on ham radio gear, including some HP products, such as
oscilloscopes, signal generators and spectrum analyzers, that are
relevant to ham radio. Has stuff for many other companies besides HP.
Basically a used equipment vendor, but also a source of lots of useful
info on test gear from HP and other companies.

Note: Some of these links may be dead, as I haven't visited them in a while.

Good luck, and HTH!

Bob Pownall
On Feb 4, 9:41 am, Wes <> wrote:
I took a chance on ebay and bought a HP 1710a scope. Powers up, has a beam I can see if I
hit beam finder button but no horizontal sweep.

So, now I need to find a manual with schematics for it so I can try to fix it. Any ideas
on where to go? I'm hoping there are sites on web that archive this stuff instead of the
guys selling manuals.


That one looks a bit hard to get from the usual archives.
If you get desperate, $60:
and $35 (partial?):

Good luck.

Bob Pownall <> wrote:

Note: Some of these links may be dead, as I haven't visited them in a while.

Good luck, and HTH!

Bob Pownall

Well I did snatch a manual for a HP 1707B that might help me figure if I'm just being bone
headed and missing some thing SIMPLE.

Nice set of links. I didn't run into most of them doing the google thing earlier.


"David L. Jones" <> wrote:

On Feb 4, 9:41 am, Wes <> wrote:
I took a chance on ebay and bought a HP 1710a scope. Powers up, has a beam I can see if I
hit beam finder button but no horizontal sweep.

So, now I need to find a manual with schematics for it so I can try to fix it. Any ideas
on where to go? I'm hoping there are sites on web that archive this stuff instead of the
guys selling manuals.



That one looks a bit hard to get from the usual archives.
If you get desperate, $60:
and $35 (partial?):

Good luck.

Well, I found one in the US and it is on the way. Having had to pony up the bucks to get
this manual, I being a nice guy, will eventually scan it for others.



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