Anyone aware of a site of such tips for renovation.
About 50 years old. Looks as though the card of the cone hase weakened with
age, probably like the paper of books goes brown and crumbly over time.
Looks as though the central cone area probably has failed to resist the
returning force of the periphery and the spider and has buckled torsionally
but not split in that inner zone ,one or so inches, from the voice coil join
and radially out.
About 50 years old. Looks as though the card of the cone hase weakened with
age, probably like the paper of books goes brown and crumbly over time.
Looks as though the central cone area probably has failed to resist the
returning force of the periphery and the spider and has buckled torsionally
but not split in that inner zone ,one or so inches, from the voice coil join
and radially out.