Frank van Eijkelenburg
I'm using a gigabit ethernet mac generated by coregen. Coregen generates a
toplevel example and an .ucf file with some timing constraints, for
# PCS/PMA Clock period Constraints: please do not relax #
NET brefclk_ibufg TNM_NET = brefclk;
TIMESPEC TS_brefclk = PERIOD brefclk 16 ns HIGH 50 %;
This brefclk_ibufg signal is coming from a dcm that is in the generated
toplevel. Now I have some wrappers around the "coregen toplevel" and assign
the .ucf file to my own toplevel. But at that moment the signal
brefclk_ibufg is not found anymore:
Annotating constraints to design from file
"../../Gb_eth/vhdl_source/gb_eth_rtx.ucf" ...
ERROR:NgdBuild:756 - Line 19 in '../../Gb_eth/vhdl_source/gb_eth_rtx.ucf':
not find net(s) 'brefclk_ibufg' in the design. To suppress this error
specify the correct net name or remove the constraint.
I tried something with paths, without success. Does anyone know how to fix
this? Do I have to route the signal to my toplevel file or move the dcm part
to my toplevel?
I'm using a gigabit ethernet mac generated by coregen. Coregen generates a
toplevel example and an .ucf file with some timing constraints, for
# PCS/PMA Clock period Constraints: please do not relax #
NET brefclk_ibufg TNM_NET = brefclk;
TIMESPEC TS_brefclk = PERIOD brefclk 16 ns HIGH 50 %;
This brefclk_ibufg signal is coming from a dcm that is in the generated
toplevel. Now I have some wrappers around the "coregen toplevel" and assign
the .ucf file to my own toplevel. But at that moment the signal
brefclk_ibufg is not found anymore:
Annotating constraints to design from file
"../../Gb_eth/vhdl_source/gb_eth_rtx.ucf" ...
ERROR:NgdBuild:756 - Line 19 in '../../Gb_eth/vhdl_source/gb_eth_rtx.ucf':
not find net(s) 'brefclk_ibufg' in the design. To suppress this error
specify the correct net name or remove the constraint.
I tried something with paths, without success. Does anyone know how to fix
this? Do I have to route the signal to my toplevel file or move the dcm part
to my toplevel?