


I want that a 120 volt motor runs for 30 seconds approximaly and be off 5
minutes app. Can I have a diagram of a circuit with a TLC555 or better? the
motor is linked by relay.

Thank You
_________________________________________ Antoine Bonneville ICQ#:132498237
Current ICQ status: SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +2783142132498237
More ways to contact me: http://wwp.icq.com/132498237
"mimex" <antoinebonneville@sympatico.ca> wrote in message news:<8JVSb.46696$mf4.1807746@news20.bellglobal.com>...
I want that a 120 volt motor runs for 30 seconds approximaly and be off 5
minutes app. Can I have a diagram of a circuit with a TLC555 or better? the
motor is linked by relay.

Thank You
_________________________________________ Antoine Bonneville ICQ#:132498237
Current ICQ status: SMS: (Send an SMS message to my ICQ): +2783142132498237
More ways to contact me: http://wwp.icq.com/132498237

This is a pretty simple taks for a PICAXE-08 ( http://www.picaxe.com )
which doesn't require much to program.

High 1
Sleep 30
Low 1
Sleep 300
GoTo Top

The PICAXE-08 costs about $2.00.

If you would like me to program one for you, please send me mail off

pha (at) phanderson.com

Peter Anderson, http://www.phanderson.com/picaxe/picaxe.html
Yah- here goes my 5 seconds of fame pointing out a minor whoops by
Peter! Rather confusingly the Picaxe "SLEEP" command has 2.3sec units.
Hence Sleep 30 will delay 2.3 x 30 =69 secs approx. Try a SLEEP 13
value instead = 30/2.3 Their alternative command, WAIT, however is 1:1
up to 65 secs, as is PAUSE ( but millisecs). Thus WAIT 30 = 30 secs
delay, PAUSE 500 = 500ms = 1/2 sec delay

More the point you'll need considerable buffering/relays etc +
commutator hash removal to hook a Picaxe to a power hungry motor.
Check the "Silicon Chip" articles mentioned at =>
www.picaxe.orcon.net.nz for ideas. These include code & layout pix =>
www.picaxe.orcon.net.nz/motorpwm.jpg. An "eggsotic" Australian chook
house door 12V controller mentioned is still giving A1 service.

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