Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
I take the time to answer Anglesow here :
Whatever the real manipulations of the Mining Criminals, Political Criminals
etc, Anglesow with his piggish brain will sway in favour of what called
Authority !
( further still the mass is said as far as I am concerned, and do not want
anything in any form from the LOB now)
This said, and Anglesow can not refute this indeed, both he and his debased
mates and the Criminals sus named cannot at this very time give proper
credit, recognition nor gratitude to their Official Mining Heroes : Thyrwitt
the Twit, Thomson, Searls, Keohn, Borner for Telfer Mine, Barr for Nifty,
and finally Atkinson for Kintyre.
You may note how that rabble which support the Mining & Political Criminals
is unable to come to term with the Gratitude and Recognition which should be
forthcoming toward the Official ( since 35 years ) Mining Heroes, as well as
on the part of those debased WA & Federal Parliament ( and whorehouses
indeed, this explaining that ) not a single word or comment praising the
Mining Heroes ! Neither from the Mining Criminals indeed, and in this
I took the time to phone that Palmer cunt in Melbourne, and the others
Criminals of Newcrest in Perth and at Telfer Mine a while back !
My simple question was : Are you going to go ahead with some celebration
honouring your Official Discoverers of Telfer Mine at the Anniversary date
of the 14 th of October 2005, marking indeed the 35 anniversary of Telfer
Mine Discovery in the Great Sandy Desert ! Palmer, that gutless manure and
indeed President because of that of Newcrest Mining, to whose secretary I
left my direct & private Phone N°, never called me back ... that slippery
of shit. What his secretary replied was : He's on the phone and although I
said I would be calling 15 min later, that slippery piece of shit (again )
had gone to lunch .... as for the other Criminals I spoke too at Newcrest
Perth office or at Telfer ... they pretended knowing nothing about some
ceremony in honour of Tyrwhitt the Twit, and of the other Geological
manure !!!
So, Anglesow, Vaurien , Foster, Sunny and all of you debased toads, what are
you waiting for now, to require from Howard, Carpenter, Palmer etc , the
Recognition and just marks of Gratitude towards your Official Heroes ??? .
As a Country, australia, devoted to Crime & Crimes cover up, you are only
indeed to celebrate such, Hey ? Hence it is proper
that the best amongst you, that is those efinitive Geological Frauds who
alledgedly explored & prospected & disocoverd the immense Mineral Potential
of the Great Sandy Desert should be officially 'honoured' by all of you
Criminal Toads at long last ....
.... since in the Land of Bastards, only Bastards can be recognised &
'honoured' indeed
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Exploration Geologist
Founder of the True Geology
~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
"Wally AngleseaT" <wanglese@spammersareverminbigpond.net.au> a écrit dans le
snipped the piggish & toady Anglesow 's rant
Whatever the real manipulations of the Mining Criminals, Political Criminals
etc, Anglesow with his piggish brain will sway in favour of what called
Authority !
( further still the mass is said as far as I am concerned, and do not want
anything in any form from the LOB now)
This said, and Anglesow can not refute this indeed, both he and his debased
mates and the Criminals sus named cannot at this very time give proper
credit, recognition nor gratitude to their Official Mining Heroes : Thyrwitt
the Twit, Thomson, Searls, Keohn, Borner for Telfer Mine, Barr for Nifty,
and finally Atkinson for Kintyre.
You may note how that rabble which support the Mining & Political Criminals
is unable to come to term with the Gratitude and Recognition which should be
forthcoming toward the Official ( since 35 years ) Mining Heroes, as well as
on the part of those debased WA & Federal Parliament ( and whorehouses
indeed, this explaining that ) not a single word or comment praising the
Mining Heroes ! Neither from the Mining Criminals indeed, and in this
I took the time to phone that Palmer cunt in Melbourne, and the others
Criminals of Newcrest in Perth and at Telfer Mine a while back !
My simple question was : Are you going to go ahead with some celebration
honouring your Official Discoverers of Telfer Mine at the Anniversary date
of the 14 th of October 2005, marking indeed the 35 anniversary of Telfer
Mine Discovery in the Great Sandy Desert ! Palmer, that gutless manure and
indeed President because of that of Newcrest Mining, to whose secretary I
left my direct & private Phone N°, never called me back ... that slippery
of shit. What his secretary replied was : He's on the phone and although I
said I would be calling 15 min later, that slippery piece of shit (again )
had gone to lunch .... as for the other Criminals I spoke too at Newcrest
Perth office or at Telfer ... they pretended knowing nothing about some
ceremony in honour of Tyrwhitt the Twit, and of the other Geological
manure !!!
So, Anglesow, Vaurien , Foster, Sunny and all of you debased toads, what are
you waiting for now, to require from Howard, Carpenter, Palmer etc , the
Recognition and just marks of Gratitude towards your Official Heroes ??? .
As a Country, australia, devoted to Crime & Crimes cover up, you are only
indeed to celebrate such, Hey ? Hence it is proper
that the best amongst you, that is those efinitive Geological Frauds who
alledgedly explored & prospected & disocoverd the immense Mineral Potential
of the Great Sandy Desert should be officially 'honoured' by all of you
Criminal Toads at long last ....
.... since in the Land of Bastards, only Bastards can be recognised &
'honoured' indeed
Sir Jean-Paul Turcaud
Australia Mining Pioneer
Exploration Geologist
Founder of the True Geology
~~ Ignorance Is The Cosmic Sin, The One Never Forgiven ! ~~
"Wally AngleseaT" <wanglese@spammersareverminbigpond.net.au> a écrit dans le
snipped the piggish & toady Anglesow 's rant