I'm using Encounter for Place & Route of a synthesized verilog netlist.
The problem is that the synthesis tool (BuildGates) created assignments
such as:
module m(dout);
ouput [0:15] dout;
assign dout[15] = 1'b0; // <--- problem
But Encounter doesn't connect the net dout[15] which has the fixed value
1'b0 to the vdd net, although I used the following commands within Encouter:
globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo -module {}
I already tryed to insert tiehi/tielo cells, but I cann't find any
tiehi/tielo cells within my synthesis libraries.
How can I tell Encounter to connect 1'b0 to gnd and 1'b1 to vdd?
I'm using Encounter for Place & Route of a synthesized verilog netlist.
The problem is that the synthesis tool (BuildGates) created assignments
such as:
module m(dout);
ouput [0:15] dout;
assign dout[15] = 1'b0; // <--- problem
But Encounter doesn't connect the net dout[15] which has the fixed value
1'b0 to the vdd net, although I used the following commands within Encouter:
globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi -module {}
globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo -module {}
I already tryed to insert tiehi/tielo cells, but I cann't find any
tiehi/tielo cells within my synthesis libraries.
How can I tell Encounter to connect 1'b0 to gnd and 1'b1 to vdd?