Has anyone had any experience of hooking up an LA4800/3200 to a PC running
it's LATALK Dos software?
The RS423 interface is described as RS232 compatiable but if you plug in a
straight RS232 cable from PC to LA then the PC doesn't see the LA.
I've looked into this further and RS423 is almost a completely different
standard and levels to RS232. So a bit confused as to how the interface is
described as RS232 compatiable.
Thurlby have been brilliant in that they supplied the LATALK software a few
weeks back but with the LA4800 being discontinued and unsupported the
information I need isn't readily at hand.
Any ideas?
Thanks kindly,
Has anyone had any experience of hooking up an LA4800/3200 to a PC running
it's LATALK Dos software?
The RS423 interface is described as RS232 compatiable but if you plug in a
straight RS232 cable from PC to LA then the PC doesn't see the LA.
I've looked into this further and RS423 is almost a completely different
standard and levels to RS232. So a bit confused as to how the interface is
described as RS232 compatiable.
Thurlby have been brilliant in that they supplied the LATALK software a few
weeks back but with the LA4800 being discontinued and unsupported the
information I need isn't readily at hand.
Any ideas?
Thanks kindly,