Through-Hole Components Getting Scarce In Favour Of SMD?



As a kid growing up in the 1980s i took apart everything i owned or get
my hands on to see what was in it. Toy trucks, R/C cars, tape decks,
computers, game consoles, bicycles, typewriters, my mom's sewing
machine, the lawnmower, etc...

Most of the electronic stuff i took apart in the 1980s and early 1990s
had a lot of "through-hole" style (for lack of better description)
components soldered down onto a (usually) single or double-sided PCB.
Resistors, Diodes, Caps, Transistors and stuff just like we've all got
in our lil plastic trays, with the long leads that you stick through
the hole and solder.

Nowadays (i spend a great portion of the day working on computers) most
electronics stuff i see is mostly miniature surface mount components,
which from a manufacturing standpoint makes lots of sense for a lot of
reasons. There are exceptions, i.e.. caps, crystals, chokes (where
size is a factor in its specification or performance) and high-power
transistors or voltage regulators (large to dissipate heat).

Is there plenty of through-hole stuff still being used in manufacturing
these days, or with manufacturing shifted towards SMD, will
through-hole resistors, transistors, diodes and such start to
grandually become less available and more expensive over the next
several years? I can think of some places where through-hole stuff is
a better option, i.e. protoyping or higher powered stuff. Looking at
the catalog at National, there's no shortage of through-hole stuff in
current production at the moment. I'm sure it'd be a long, slow
process (like decades) to phase out through-hole components completely
and use up all the stock/surplus.

I've spoken with a hobbyist on IRC that claims to build most of his
projects with SMD components- he arranges them on his PCB, applies
solder paste appropriately and sticks it in a toaster oven. He could
be full of crap, i've never seen pics, but i can't think of any reason
why he'd lie about it. He's knowledgeable, helpful, and
well-respected, and doesn't smack of someone just trying to be l33t.
Surface-mount is actually his preference, but to me it seems like that
approach would be more hassle and less fun (disclaimer: i've never done
it that way). Through-hole stuff just seems like it would be so much
easier to work with.

I've started hoarding through-hole components for fear of limited

For real? Are you seeing anything in particular that's becoming
scarce, yet? Not things discontinued completely, but things that are
no longer available as through-hole but are going strong as SMD?

(disclaimer: The above diatribe sounds MUCH more paranoid/conspiratory
than how i really feel. I'm not losing sleep or getting ulcers over
this ;))

Try Googling for "toaster oven" and SMD
Everybody's doing it, it would seem.
Oh, i didn't doubt that he could be doing everything with surface-mount
stuff. It all seemed plenty feasible to me, just more of a hassle.
I've never tried it, and i'd prefer not to if i could avoid it.
Reading the article you pointed to confirmed a lot of my preconceptions
about it- parts sliding around, heat damage, going back afterwards and
fixing all these super-tiny solder bridges- The older i get the
shakier my hands and the blurrier my vision ;)
We do use toaster ovens

and believe it or not SMT is easier then thru holes (no drilling for
one), just a little different knowledge is all that is needed. Jump in.

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