I have difficulies with the following code. It translates, I can make
a programing file, download it to the chip but the result is not as it
is in simulation and I don't understand why:
The following process sends out bytes by using the PicoBlaze UART
sender macro. The plan is to wait until "SEND_A_BYTE_NOW" gets '1'
and then send out the byte in "BYTE_TO_SEND_NOW". PBCLK is a 50 MHz
if (rising_edge(PBCLK)) then
if (UART_STATE = B"00") then
write_to_uart <= '0';
if (SEND_A_BYTE_NOW = '1') then
UART_STATE <= B"01";
end if;
elsif (UART_STATE = B"01") then
out_port <= BYTE_TO_SEND_NOW;
write_to_uart <= '0';
UART_STATE <= B"10";
elsif (UART_STATE = B"10") then
write_to_uart <= '1';
UART_STATE <= B"00";
end if;
end if;
end process;
The sending itself work fine, but the wrong data seems to get sent.
The following process controls what is sent:
SEND: process (write_to_uart, BUSVAL)
if (BUSVAL /= BUFBUS) then
if (tx_half_full = '0' AND SEND_A_BYTE_NOW = '0') then
end if;
elsif (rising_edge(write_to_uart)) then
end if;
end process;
I want it to work like this: Each time "write_to_uart" gets '1', I
know that a byte was written to the UART send buffer. So I reset
"SEND_A_BYTE_NOW" to '0' such that the next byte only gets
sent if this goes back to '1'.
I want to send out a byte under the following conditions:
1. BUSVAL has changed
2. tx_half_full = '0'
3. SEND_A_BYTE_NOW is not already '1'
Then I want to send out a value that is the last value sent + 1
It simulates fine, but when I listen to the serial port of the real
device, the bytes don't come out in consecutive order. I would
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and what I really get is 30, 45, 96, AE, B4 etc ....
I have a few questions:
* It this code above bad design ?
* Why does it work fine in simulation, but not on the real device ?
* Why does BYTE_TO_SEND_NOW get increased multiple times on the real
device and only once in simulation ?
Please help me. I am a VHDL beginner and don't know where to start
Thanks !
I have difficulies with the following code. It translates, I can make
a programing file, download it to the chip but the result is not as it
is in simulation and I don't understand why:
The following process sends out bytes by using the PicoBlaze UART
sender macro. The plan is to wait until "SEND_A_BYTE_NOW" gets '1'
and then send out the byte in "BYTE_TO_SEND_NOW". PBCLK is a 50 MHz
if (rising_edge(PBCLK)) then
if (UART_STATE = B"00") then
write_to_uart <= '0';
if (SEND_A_BYTE_NOW = '1') then
UART_STATE <= B"01";
end if;
elsif (UART_STATE = B"01") then
out_port <= BYTE_TO_SEND_NOW;
write_to_uart <= '0';
UART_STATE <= B"10";
elsif (UART_STATE = B"10") then
write_to_uart <= '1';
UART_STATE <= B"00";
end if;
end if;
end process;
The sending itself work fine, but the wrong data seems to get sent.
The following process controls what is sent:
SEND: process (write_to_uart, BUSVAL)
if (BUSVAL /= BUFBUS) then
if (tx_half_full = '0' AND SEND_A_BYTE_NOW = '0') then
end if;
elsif (rising_edge(write_to_uart)) then
end if;
end process;
I want it to work like this: Each time "write_to_uart" gets '1', I
know that a byte was written to the UART send buffer. So I reset
"SEND_A_BYTE_NOW" to '0' such that the next byte only gets
sent if this goes back to '1'.
I want to send out a byte under the following conditions:
1. BUSVAL has changed
2. tx_half_full = '0'
3. SEND_A_BYTE_NOW is not already '1'
Then I want to send out a value that is the last value sent + 1
It simulates fine, but when I listen to the serial port of the real
device, the bytes don't come out in consecutive order. I would
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and what I really get is 30, 45, 96, AE, B4 etc ....
I have a few questions:
* It this code above bad design ?
* Why does it work fine in simulation, but not on the real device ?
* Why does BYTE_TO_SEND_NOW get increased multiple times on the real
device and only once in simulation ?
Please help me. I am a VHDL beginner and don't know where to start
Thanks !