I want to use a thermistor to measure room temperature. I never did this
before so I have been reading about thermistors. I have been trying to
reconcile a table of R vs T to the values computed by formula and B
value. They don't match. I am wondering if anyone here can explain why.
I want to build a PIC-based thing to record room temperature at
intervals over a period of days. I'll use a serial port on the PIC to
gather data to a PC to save it. Relative is more important than absolute
accuracy for this, but I wanted to try to get reasonably calibrated for
C or F.
I checked my junk drawer and found a 10K thermistor that I bought at
Radio Shack some years ago. After some web searching, I finally figured
out that it is a Semitec 103AT thermistor. I found a web page that has a
datasheet (unfortunately, only in a couple pages of their 800K catalog
pdf). At 25 C it has an R of 10K and its B value is 3435K between 25 and
85 C.
I did some general reading on the use and theory of thermistos via the
I found this equation for R at a T value...
R = Ro exp( B (1/T - 1/To))
For my 103AT
Ro = 10K = 10000
To = 25C = 298K
B = 3435K
The data sheet says that B was determined by R values at 25C and 85C. If
I run the equation for T = 85C = 358K I get an R value that doesn't
match what is in the T vs R table for 85C.
If I calculate B from the table values for resistance at 25 and 85C I
get a B of 3477. At different T values in the table I get different B
values and none that I tried are 3435.
Is this normal? I thought the equation and table data would be closer.
I'm trying to figure out a way to generate a conversion table in the PIC
code but I'm not sure how to start. Do I have to do my own regression on
data from the table? This is looking more complicated than I expected.
If anyone wants to see the table data, here is a link to an Excel sheet
for the 103AT from the manufacturer.
Other pages on that site have the datasheet but only as part of the
catalog, so I didn't post that link.
before so I have been reading about thermistors. I have been trying to
reconcile a table of R vs T to the values computed by formula and B
value. They don't match. I am wondering if anyone here can explain why.
I want to build a PIC-based thing to record room temperature at
intervals over a period of days. I'll use a serial port on the PIC to
gather data to a PC to save it. Relative is more important than absolute
accuracy for this, but I wanted to try to get reasonably calibrated for
C or F.
I checked my junk drawer and found a 10K thermistor that I bought at
Radio Shack some years ago. After some web searching, I finally figured
out that it is a Semitec 103AT thermistor. I found a web page that has a
datasheet (unfortunately, only in a couple pages of their 800K catalog
pdf). At 25 C it has an R of 10K and its B value is 3435K between 25 and
85 C.
I did some general reading on the use and theory of thermistos via the
I found this equation for R at a T value...
R = Ro exp( B (1/T - 1/To))
For my 103AT
Ro = 10K = 10000
To = 25C = 298K
B = 3435K
The data sheet says that B was determined by R values at 25C and 85C. If
I run the equation for T = 85C = 358K I get an R value that doesn't
match what is in the T vs R table for 85C.
If I calculate B from the table values for resistance at 25 and 85C I
get a B of 3477. At different T values in the table I get different B
values and none that I tried are 3435.
Is this normal? I thought the equation and table data would be closer.
I'm trying to figure out a way to generate a conversion table in the PIC
code but I'm not sure how to start. Do I have to do my own regression on
data from the table? This is looking more complicated than I expected.
If anyone wants to see the table data, here is a link to an Excel sheet
for the 103AT from the manufacturer.
Other pages on that site have the datasheet but only as part of the
catalog, so I didn't post that link.