The vacuum tube is 100 years old this year



I'm brushing up on my radio and tube knowledge by reading a book
published in 1953 that I picked up on ebay. Elements of Radio.
Something caught my attention that I hadn't realized. The Flemming
valve (diode) was invented in 1904. Happy birthday to the tube!

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Look at all the mayhem and entertainment that little invention has produced
for all of us. Plus the financial impetus of it's heritage for the retailer,
developer, and of course, the technicians. About time to cherry up a plate
of a valve and deteroite the cathode coating in respect!! Eh you know, just
enuf to produce some really nasty harmonics!! LoL Cheers to Dr. Fleming and
all the rest, including Sarnoff, Rhenton, etc. Sad thing is that most of
the development of these devices were initially for military and industrial
uses rather than entertainment but again, that seems to be indicative of our
system here in the Great USA.

"Dave" <> wrote in message
I'm brushing up on my radio and tube knowledge by reading a book
published in 1953 that I picked up on ebay. Elements of Radio.
Something caught my attention that I hadn't realized. The Flemming
valve (diode) was invented in 1904. Happy birthday to the tube!

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
Sad thing is that most of
the development of these devices were initially for military and industrial
uses rather than entertainment but again, that seems to be indicative of our
system here in the Great USA.
LOL!! As though military-industrial uses you decry have no connection to the
remainder of society. And I suppose you have a plan to re-design the human
race so that Joe Sixpack feels the same sense of urgency about quantum photon
computing as he does about cheaper cellphone rates.
See Retrun E-Mail: Thanks for your personal responce Mr. WEBPA
"WEBPA" <> wrote in message
Sad thing is that most of
the development of these devices were initially for military and
uses rather than entertainment but again, that seems to be indicative of
system here in the Great USA.

LOL!! As though military-industrial uses you decry have no connection to
remainder of society. And I suppose you have a plan to re-design the
race so that Joe Sixpack feels the same sense of urgency about quantum
computing as he does about cheaper cellphone rates.

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