The Truth about Corona Virus Situation and what every person

(I need you electronics people to keep making somewhat good electronics, even though some of you are complete assholes, dumb dipshits lol, read this, your life may dependent on it):

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows, probably even this information has already become obsolete, since one day, the developments are going fast:

(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are available on a population of 17 million. The rest are already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

2. Drowning in your own lung fluid is lurking. ICU can help prevent this?!?

3. Spread of virus is exponential! This factor appears to be 1.3.

4. Figures from Italy show that 1 in 10 contamination cases need ICU to survive.

5. The Netherlands has 171 people at ICU because of Corona.

6. Estimated number of infections is 6000. Known infections are 2051.

7. Virus survives 74 hours on surfaces, metal, plastic, even cardboard.

8. (It is unknown whether the virus is going to mutate and what the consequences might be).

Now a realistic calculation of how this virus / corona / situation will develop in the coming days from March 19 (month 3) 2020:

Day Date Known Infections ICU:
1 19/3/2020 2051.00 * 1.3 = 2666.30 171.00 * 1.3 = 222.30
2 20/3/2020 2666.30 * 1.3 = 3466.19 222.30 * 1.3 = 288.99
3 21/3/2020 3466.19 * 1.3 = 4506.05 288.99 * 1.3 = 375.68
4 22/3/2020 4506.05 * 1.3 = 5857.86 375.68 * 1.3 = 488.39
5 23/3/2020 5857.86 * 1.3 = 7615.21 488.39 * 1.3 = 634.91
6 24/3/2020 7615.21 * 1.3 = 9899.78 634.91 * 1.3 = 825.38
7 25/3/2020 9899.78 * 1.3 = 12869.72 825.38 * 1.3 = 1072.99
8 26/3/2020 12869.72 * 1.3 = 16730.63 1072.99 * 1.3 = 1394.89
9 27/3/2020 16730.63 * 1.3 = 21749.82 1394.89 * 1.3 = 1813.36
10 28/3/2020 21749.82 * 1.3 = 28274.77 1813.36 * 1.3 = 2357.38
11 29/3/2020 28274.77 * 1.3 = 36757.20 2357.38 * 1.3 = 3064.59
12 30/3/2020 36757.20 * 1.3 = 47784.37 3064.59 * 1.3 = 3983.97
13 31/3/2020 47784.37 * 1.3 = 62119.68 3983.97 * 1.3 = 5179.16
14 1/4/2020 62119.68 * 1.3 = 80755.58 5179.16 * 1.3 = 6732.91
15 2/4/2020 80755.58 * 1.3 = 104982.26 6732.91 * 1.3 = 8752.78
16 3/4/2020 104982.26 * 1.3 = 136476.94 8752.78 * 1.3 = 11378.62
17 4/4/2020 136476.94 * 1.3 = 177420.03 11378.62 * 1.3 = 14792.21
18 5/4/2020 177420.03 * 1.3 = 230646.03 14792.21 * 1.3 = 19229.87
19 6/4/2020 230646.03 * 1.3 = 299839.85 19229.87 * 1.3 = 24998.83
20 7/4/2020 299839.85 * 1.3 = 389791.80 24998.83 * 1.3 = 32498.48
21 8/4/2020 389791.80 * 1.3 = 506729.34 32498.48 * 1.3 = 42248.03

I calculated this with the calculator in windows. I can also write a computer program for it that calculates this automatically and so that the factor can be changed if it changes in the near future.

In any case, it is clear that a capacity problem will arise if the spread / contamination rate continues as it stands.

In just 3 days, the maximum capacity will already be reached and the Netherlands will end up in a medical crisis in a medical situation, in which doctors will have to decide on life and death, who will be saved and who will not.

I hope that through this message all persons will realize what it is hanging over (their heads) and how important it is to try to prevent it from spreading.

Bringing this factor down can help but probably won't really solve the problem. I will write a computer program that can generate a table if the factor goes down from 1.3 to 1.2 or something.

1.3 is also 33% new contamination cases.

Greetings for now,
Skybuck Flying! ;) = D wrote...
The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

- Win
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 5:37:54 AM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Don't believe it. These scammers see a big profitable handout and they're looking to get their share. All these entities have a track record of failure. This mRNA vaccine technology, which the clueless are pinning their hopes on, hasn't produced anything. The same people and technology have failed to deliver a single approved vaccine or therapeutic for zika despite 5 years of effort. They always pile on the bs during a mass panic situation so that the government will take a political hit for not funding them.

Government clamp down on behavior known to contribute to community spread works, and works well, see Korea, Japan and Singapore. It's just going to have to stay in place until there are no new cases. They can slowly start letting people back out in public after individual testing of each and every one of them.

- Win
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 07:42:41 -0700 (PDT), wrote:

On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 5:37:54 AM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Don't believe it. These scammers see a big profitable handout and they're looking to get their share. All these entities have a track record of failure. This mRNA vaccine technology, which the clueless are pinning their hopes on, hasn't produced anything. The same people and technology have failed to deliver a single approved vaccine or therapeutic for zika despite 5 years of effort. They always pile on the bs during a mass panic situation so that the government will take a political hit for not funding them.

Government clamp down on behavior known to contribute to community spread works, and works well, see Korea, Japan and Singapore. It's just going to have to stay in place until there are no new cases. They can slowly start letting people back out in public after individual testing of each and every one of them.

Right. Only let people out of isolation if a test proves that they
have already had the infection and are now immune.


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

The cork popped merrily, and Lord Peter rose to his feet.
"Bunter", he said, "I give you a toast. The triumph of Instinct over Reason"
I have written an application / graph to study the "spread factor" as I call it, this is also known as "growth factor".

This application can be downloaded here:

Go to the relevant version folder, for example version 0.01:

Then choose whether you want to download packed or unpacked.

For example zipped or unzipped.

Then download the relevant files and extract if necessary.

Or run exe directly.

This software should basically work on windows xp, windows 7, windows vista and windows 10.

If there is a problem let me know.

There is also a manual written by me that explains a few things, this is in "manual.txt".

The "spread factor trackbar" allows the user to interactively see how the graph changes as it is adjusted.

The spread factor can range from 1.0 to 3.0 in 0.01 increments.

The base infections, base intensive care units and base deaths can also be adjusted.

This is a starting point. The future can be calculated from these values.

The number of days that the application calculates into the future is indicated by "compute days ahead".

The application simply takes these values ​​and always multiplies these values ​​by the spread factor.

Exactly as described in the first posting table.

Be a little careful with the number of days, if it is set too large, the computer cannot calculate it and it will overflow.
The program detects this and prevents a crash and will warn you to change the last changed setting.

Success with these charts!
And I hope it helps you to determine the policy properly!
Greetings Skybuck Flying!
On 2020-03-19 05:37, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Looks like chloroquine plus azithromycin knocks the Wu flu dead.



Hope it pans out on a large scale!


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 01:19:39 -0700 (PDT),

>(I need you electronics people to keep making somewhat good electronics, even though some of you are complete assholes, dumb dipshits lol, read this, your life may dependent on it):

Why does the press, and a lot of other people, lately keep saying
"What you need to know" or "17 things you need to know" and then
proceed to say things that are obvious, or wrong?


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

The cork popped merrily, and Lord Peter rose to his feet.
"Bunter", he said, "I give you a toast. The triumph of Instinct over Reason"
Winfield Hill wrote... wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Here's a NY Times article.

- Win
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 5:37:54 AM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

I've seen several posts about vitamin C being highly effective. lol

Unless this disease goes for many months (which is not at all unlikely) don't expect to see any cures, treatments or vaccines. Even with a relaxation of the laws regarding new medicines it will be a slow road.

This is a 9-11 scale event. Once we find the infection rate has dropped enough we will start to come out from under the covers and slowly open travel again. But every time the infection rate flares up somewhere things will slam shut again.

I suppose if we can get through the infection without overwhelming the medical system, immunity from the previously infected will eventually give us herd immunity. Until the next strain comes around.

It seems the human body is inherently flawed in having sites that allow infectious agents to inject their RNA into cells and there is little to be done to stop this process of infection, immunity, mutation, new infection... Maybe we can learn enough about the process to develop vaccines that can protect in a different way so as to preclude mutated viruses from being infective. But it is very complex.


Rick C.

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On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 12:50:26 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 12:40:07 -0400, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 2020-03-19 05:37, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Looks like chloroquine plus azithromycin knocks the Wu flu dead.

Hope it pans out on a large scale!

Absolutely. Strange that an anti-malarial would work against a virus.

Too strange to be true because it isn't. The articles keep shooting their mouths off about it being "effective"- but not a single quantifiable measure of that so-called effectiveness. That kind of thing usually means they don't want to know because it's not statistically significant.
Then the phony CDC research about studies showing virus blocking on primate cells ***in vitro*** proves absolutely nothing. That kind of testing is preliminary to yet more preliminaries. It's not worth publicizing in this context.
They also skipped the part about the Chinese also trying traditional Chinese holistic herbal cures too. Seriously- nothing there has panned out.
If you watched Trump's press conference, you can see it's one of those hard sells of dubious results relying on the "testimonial" sell! Very sad.


Phil Hobbs

Keep drinking those Gin and Tonics!

I was thinking about whether C19 behaves like a mild seasonal flu.
Seasonal flus peak in winter in each hemisphere. Brazil's major
trading partner is China, so probably they have as many Chinese
visitors as Italy, but so far have very few cases or deaths.
Brazilians have to fly to the US to catch it.


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

The cork popped merrily, and Lord Peter rose to his feet.
"Bunter", he said, "I give you a toast. The triumph of Instinct over Reason"
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 12:40:19 PM UTC-4, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 2020-03-19 05:37, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Looks like chloroquine plus azithromycin knocks the Wu flu dead.

Hope it pans out on a large scale!

Raw Chinese cave bat milk would be more effective. Not making this up, it's true.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 12:12:46 PM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote:
Winfield Hill wrote... wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Here's a NY Times article.

- Win

NIAID has been going full bore on the original SARS CoV for over a decade. Where is your vaccine, where is your therapeutic?
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 12:40:07 -0400, Phil Hobbs
<> wrote:

On 2020-03-19 05:37, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Looks like chloroquine plus azithromycin knocks the Wu flu dead.

Hope it pans out on a large scale!

Absolutely. Strange that an anti-malarial would work against a virus.


Phil Hobbs

Keep drinking those Gin and Tonics!

I was thinking about whether C19 behaves like a mild seasonal flu.
Seasonal flus peak in winter in each hemisphere. Brazil's major
trading partner is China, so probably they have as many Chinese
visitors as Italy, but so far have very few cases or deaths.
Brazilians have to fly to the US to catch it.


John Larkin Highland Technology, Inc

The cork popped merrily, and Lord Peter rose to his feet.
"Bunter", he said, "I give you a toast. The triumph of Instinct over Reason" wrote in

On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 12:12:46 PM UTC-4, Winfield Hill
Winfield Hill wrote... wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Here's a NY Times article.

- Win

NIAID has been going full bore on the original SARS CoV for over a
decade. Where is your vaccine, where is your therapeutic?

FOOL BOAR! Even a shot between the eyes won't stop it!
On 2020-03-19 13:12, wrote:
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 12:50:26 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 12:40:07 -0400, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 2020-03-19 05:37, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further spreading
beyond those already infected. This isn't a good long-term
solution, and new spreading centers will start once we relax
the isolation. But what we haven't been hearing much about is
new therapeutics, custom-designed to help severely-compromised
Covid-19 victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach. The
therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and only
relatively-small quantities will be required, compared to a
vaccine, which must be population-wide. There are 50 companies
working on therapeutics, and several claim to already have
working results.

Looks like chloroquine plus azithromycin knocks the Wu flu dead.

Hope it pans out on a large scale!

Absolutely. Strange that an anti-malarial would work against a

Too strange to be true because it isn't. The articles keep shooting
their mouths off about it being "effective"- but not a single
quantifiable measure of that so-called effectiveness.

If you took time to read the articles I posted, you'd know that they're
based on actual hospital results.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On 2020-03-19 12:50, wrote:
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 12:40:07 -0400, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 2020-03-19 05:37, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Looks like chloroquine plus azithromycin knocks the Wu flu dead.

Hope it pans out on a large scale!

Absolutely. Strange that an anti-malarial would work against a virus.

According to the googledocs paper, it works by preventing the virus from
acidifying the cytoplasm in order to break host proteins down into amino
acids to build more viruses. 10 micromolar solution suppresses virus
growth completely.

> Keep drinking those Gin and Tonics!

For medicinal purposes only, of course. ;)

I was thinking about whether C19 behaves like a mild seasonal flu.
Seasonal flus peak in winter in each hemisphere. Brazil's major
trading partner is China, so probably they have as many Chinese
visitors as Italy, but so far have very few cases or deaths.
Brazilians have to fly to the US to catch it.

There are probably genetic differences between populations. The
Italians got very sick in 1918 both in Italy and over here, for instance.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 3:24:37 PM UTC-4, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 2020-03-19 13:12, wrote:
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 12:50:26 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 12:40:07 -0400, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 2020-03-19 05:37, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further spreading
beyond those already infected. This isn't a good long-term
solution, and new spreading centers will start once we relax
the isolation. But what we haven't been hearing much about is
new therapeutics, custom-designed to help severely-compromised
Covid-19 victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach. The
therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and only
relatively-small quantities will be required, compared to a
vaccine, which must be population-wide. There are 50 companies
working on therapeutics, and several claim to already have
working results.

Looks like chloroquine plus azithromycin knocks the Wu flu dead.

Hope it pans out on a large scale!

Absolutely. Strange that an anti-malarial would work against a

Too strange to be true because it isn't. The articles keep shooting
their mouths off about it being "effective"- but not a single
quantifiable measure of that so-called effectiveness.

If you took time to read the articles I posted, you'd know that they're
based on actual hospital results.

The first page was about all I could stomach of that crap paper. If it's not a double blind controlled trial, you don't have any results. There's a reason that methodology is the gold standard of testing.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC / Hobbs ElectroOptics
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 3:30:58 PM UTC-4, Phil Hobbs wrote:
On 2020-03-19 12:50, wrote:
On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 12:40:07 -0400, Phil Hobbs> wrote:

On 2020-03-19 05:37, Winfield Hill wrote: wrote...

The truth in the Netherlands is as follows ...
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)

1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are
available on a population of 17 million. The rest are
already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.

We're moving to total isolation, to stop any further
spreading beyond those already infected. This isn't
a good long-term solution, and new spreading centers
will start once we relax the isolation. But what we
haven't been hearing much about is new therapeutics,
custom-designed to help severely-compromised Covid-19
victims survive, without the use of ICU beds. Once we
have that, we can safely cease the isolation approach.
The therapeutics will be easier to manufacture, and
only relatively-small quantities will be required,
compared to a vaccine, which must be population-wide.
There are 50 companies working on therapeutics, and
several claim to already have working results.

Looks like chloroquine plus azithromycin knocks the Wu flu dead.

Hope it pans out on a large scale!

Absolutely. Strange that an anti-malarial would work against a virus.

According to the googledocs paper, it works by preventing the virus from
acidifying the cytoplasm in order to break host proteins down into amino
acids to build more viruses. 10 micromolar solution suppresses virus
growth completely.

I hope this does pan out. But there are many, many substances that look good in vitro and don't pan out for many reasons in vivo. That's one reason why it's so expensive to bring a drug to market. People think a drug is designed, tested and BAM, on the market, easy peasy. But there are an awful lot more duds than successes.


Rick C.

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On Thursday, March 19, 2020 at 4:57:12 PM UTC-4, Winfield Hill wrote:
Rick C wrote...

Phil Hobbs wrote:

According to the googledocs paper, it works by preventing
the virus from acidifying the cytoplasm in order to break
host proteins down into amino acids to build more viruses.
10 micromolar solution suppresses virus growth completely.

I hope this does pan out.

It's safe to take, right? Doctors are free to prescribe it
off-label, are they not? For very sick patients, find out
very quickly if it works.

Not very many docs will prescribe such a drug. You don't know it won't hurt a patient with this disease. They are saying ibuprofen is contraindicated for this disease. The WHO is backing away from that now, but the point is with a new disease we don't know the effects of a drug. We have testing protocols specifically to keep people safe.

More importantly, if we do what we are supposed to do and not spread this disease, we could be rid of it before any medicines are available.

Yes, if the US and every other affected country puts its affected areas into lock down NOW, all the infected patients will be free of the virus in less than two months. Or we can let it drag out for many months.

Our choice.


Rick C.

+ Get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging
+ Tesla referral code -
Rick C wrote...
Phil Hobbs wrote:

According to the googledocs paper, it works by preventing
the virus from acidifying the cytoplasm in order to break
host proteins down into amino acids to build more viruses.
10 micromolar solution suppresses virus growth completely.

I hope this does pan out.

It's safe to take, right? Doctors are free to prescribe it
off-label, are they not? For very sick patients, find out
very quickly if it works.

- Win

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