(I need you electronics people to keep making somewhat good electronics, even though some of you are complete assholes, dumb dipshits lol, read this, your life may dependent on it):
The truth in the Netherlands is as follows, probably even this information has already become obsolete, since one day, the developments are going fast:
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)
1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are available on a population of 17 million. The rest are already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.
2. Drowning in your own lung fluid is lurking. ICU can help prevent this?!?
3. Spread of virus is exponential! This factor appears to be 1.3.
4. Figures from Italy show that 1 in 10 contamination cases need ICU to survive.
5. The Netherlands has 171 people at ICU because of Corona.
6. Estimated number of infections is 6000. Known infections are 2051.
7. Virus survives 74 hours on surfaces, metal, plastic, even cardboard.
8. (It is unknown whether the virus is going to mutate and what the consequences might be).
Now a realistic calculation of how this virus / corona / situation will develop in the coming days from March 19 (month 3) 2020:
Day Date Known Infections ICU:
1 19/3/2020 2051.00 * 1.3 = 2666.30 171.00 * 1.3 = 222.30
2 20/3/2020 2666.30 * 1.3 = 3466.19 222.30 * 1.3 = 288.99
3 21/3/2020 3466.19 * 1.3 = 4506.05 288.99 * 1.3 = 375.68
4 22/3/2020 4506.05 * 1.3 = 5857.86 375.68 * 1.3 = 488.39
5 23/3/2020 5857.86 * 1.3 = 7615.21 488.39 * 1.3 = 634.91
6 24/3/2020 7615.21 * 1.3 = 9899.78 634.91 * 1.3 = 825.38
7 25/3/2020 9899.78 * 1.3 = 12869.72 825.38 * 1.3 = 1072.99
8 26/3/2020 12869.72 * 1.3 = 16730.63 1072.99 * 1.3 = 1394.89
9 27/3/2020 16730.63 * 1.3 = 21749.82 1394.89 * 1.3 = 1813.36
10 28/3/2020 21749.82 * 1.3 = 28274.77 1813.36 * 1.3 = 2357.38
11 29/3/2020 28274.77 * 1.3 = 36757.20 2357.38 * 1.3 = 3064.59
12 30/3/2020 36757.20 * 1.3 = 47784.37 3064.59 * 1.3 = 3983.97
13 31/3/2020 47784.37 * 1.3 = 62119.68 3983.97 * 1.3 = 5179.16
14 1/4/2020 62119.68 * 1.3 = 80755.58 5179.16 * 1.3 = 6732.91
15 2/4/2020 80755.58 * 1.3 = 104982.26 6732.91 * 1.3 = 8752.78
16 3/4/2020 104982.26 * 1.3 = 136476.94 8752.78 * 1.3 = 11378.62
17 4/4/2020 136476.94 * 1.3 = 177420.03 11378.62 * 1.3 = 14792.21
18 5/4/2020 177420.03 * 1.3 = 230646.03 14792.21 * 1.3 = 19229.87
19 6/4/2020 230646.03 * 1.3 = 299839.85 19229.87 * 1.3 = 24998.83
20 7/4/2020 299839.85 * 1.3 = 389791.80 24998.83 * 1.3 = 32498.48
21 8/4/2020 389791.80 * 1.3 = 506729.34 32498.48 * 1.3 = 42248.03
I calculated this with the calculator in windows. I can also write a computer program for it that calculates this automatically and so that the factor can be changed if it changes in the near future.
In any case, it is clear that a capacity problem will arise if the spread / contamination rate continues as it stands.
In just 3 days, the maximum capacity will already be reached and the Netherlands will end up in a medical crisis in a medical situation, in which doctors will have to decide on life and death, who will be saved and who will not.
I hope that through this message all persons will realize what it is hanging over (their heads) and how important it is to try to prevent it from spreading.
Bringing this factor down can help but probably won't really solve the problem. I will write a computer program that can generate a table if the factor goes down from 1.3 to 1.2 or something.
1.3 is also 33% new contamination cases.
Greetings for now,
Skybuck Flying!
= D
The truth in the Netherlands is as follows, probably even this information has already become obsolete, since one day, the developments are going fast:
(ICU=Intensive Care Unit)
1. Less than 300 free intensive care units / beds are available on a population of 17 million. The rest are already occupied, in total there are 1150 ICU units.
2. Drowning in your own lung fluid is lurking. ICU can help prevent this?!?
3. Spread of virus is exponential! This factor appears to be 1.3.
4. Figures from Italy show that 1 in 10 contamination cases need ICU to survive.
5. The Netherlands has 171 people at ICU because of Corona.
6. Estimated number of infections is 6000. Known infections are 2051.
7. Virus survives 74 hours on surfaces, metal, plastic, even cardboard.
8. (It is unknown whether the virus is going to mutate and what the consequences might be).
Now a realistic calculation of how this virus / corona / situation will develop in the coming days from March 19 (month 3) 2020:
Day Date Known Infections ICU:
1 19/3/2020 2051.00 * 1.3 = 2666.30 171.00 * 1.3 = 222.30
2 20/3/2020 2666.30 * 1.3 = 3466.19 222.30 * 1.3 = 288.99
3 21/3/2020 3466.19 * 1.3 = 4506.05 288.99 * 1.3 = 375.68
4 22/3/2020 4506.05 * 1.3 = 5857.86 375.68 * 1.3 = 488.39
5 23/3/2020 5857.86 * 1.3 = 7615.21 488.39 * 1.3 = 634.91
6 24/3/2020 7615.21 * 1.3 = 9899.78 634.91 * 1.3 = 825.38
7 25/3/2020 9899.78 * 1.3 = 12869.72 825.38 * 1.3 = 1072.99
8 26/3/2020 12869.72 * 1.3 = 16730.63 1072.99 * 1.3 = 1394.89
9 27/3/2020 16730.63 * 1.3 = 21749.82 1394.89 * 1.3 = 1813.36
10 28/3/2020 21749.82 * 1.3 = 28274.77 1813.36 * 1.3 = 2357.38
11 29/3/2020 28274.77 * 1.3 = 36757.20 2357.38 * 1.3 = 3064.59
12 30/3/2020 36757.20 * 1.3 = 47784.37 3064.59 * 1.3 = 3983.97
13 31/3/2020 47784.37 * 1.3 = 62119.68 3983.97 * 1.3 = 5179.16
14 1/4/2020 62119.68 * 1.3 = 80755.58 5179.16 * 1.3 = 6732.91
15 2/4/2020 80755.58 * 1.3 = 104982.26 6732.91 * 1.3 = 8752.78
16 3/4/2020 104982.26 * 1.3 = 136476.94 8752.78 * 1.3 = 11378.62
17 4/4/2020 136476.94 * 1.3 = 177420.03 11378.62 * 1.3 = 14792.21
18 5/4/2020 177420.03 * 1.3 = 230646.03 14792.21 * 1.3 = 19229.87
19 6/4/2020 230646.03 * 1.3 = 299839.85 19229.87 * 1.3 = 24998.83
20 7/4/2020 299839.85 * 1.3 = 389791.80 24998.83 * 1.3 = 32498.48
21 8/4/2020 389791.80 * 1.3 = 506729.34 32498.48 * 1.3 = 42248.03
I calculated this with the calculator in windows. I can also write a computer program for it that calculates this automatically and so that the factor can be changed if it changes in the near future.
In any case, it is clear that a capacity problem will arise if the spread / contamination rate continues as it stands.
In just 3 days, the maximum capacity will already be reached and the Netherlands will end up in a medical crisis in a medical situation, in which doctors will have to decide on life and death, who will be saved and who will not.
I hope that through this message all persons will realize what it is hanging over (their heads) and how important it is to try to prevent it from spreading.
Bringing this factor down can help but probably won't really solve the problem. I will write a computer program that can generate a table if the factor goes down from 1.3 to 1.2 or something.
1.3 is also 33% new contamination cases.
Greetings for now,
Skybuck Flying!