Bret Cahill
Probably the funniest boycott of all time -- the idea must have
originated with a liberal prankster -- was the right wing boycott of
an industrial supplier / conglomerate. Maybe a couple washing
machines and a half dozen boom boxes didn't get sold that week but it
had absolutely no effect on GE's stock price.
In sharp contrast many small business service industry types are
highly exposed. Most businessmen are "problem avoiders" as one put
it, and anything controversial can turn into a problem. They just
want to get the contract and get the money and not waste time on
anything that doesn't concern that directly.
If you ever wondered why every last outspoken "market" economist at
the Hoover Inst., Heritage, Cato, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, the
Chicago School, Heartland, the Club for Growth, the Manhatten Inst.,
etc will _always_ dodge The Question:
"Does free speech precede each and every free market free trade?"
that's the reason.
The _last_ thing they want is free markets and free trades.
Bret Cahill
"The sovereignty of the people and the freedom of communication are,
therefore, entirely correlative . . ."
-- Tocqueville
originated with a liberal prankster -- was the right wing boycott of
an industrial supplier / conglomerate. Maybe a couple washing
machines and a half dozen boom boxes didn't get sold that week but it
had absolutely no effect on GE's stock price.
In sharp contrast many small business service industry types are
highly exposed. Most businessmen are "problem avoiders" as one put
it, and anything controversial can turn into a problem. They just
want to get the contract and get the money and not waste time on
anything that doesn't concern that directly.
If you ever wondered why every last outspoken "market" economist at
the Hoover Inst., Heritage, Cato, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, the
Chicago School, Heartland, the Club for Growth, the Manhatten Inst.,
etc will _always_ dodge The Question:
"Does free speech precede each and every free market free trade?"
that's the reason.
The _last_ thing they want is free markets and free trades.
Bret Cahill
"The sovereignty of the people and the freedom of communication are,
therefore, entirely correlative . . ."
-- Tocqueville