The sea which is fire



Name of Allah, the Merciful


The sea which is fire

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

(We swear by the Altor mountain (1) And decree inscribed (2) In
scroll which
is unfolded (3) And Al-Baitul Ma'moor (Celestial structure resembling
and directly above the Holy Ka'ba in heaven) (4) And heavens elevated
(5) And seas sitting on bed of fire (6)) The Mount

To grasp the splendor in this verse we must examine the Arabic
Adjective used for the sea in the Quranic text which is cSLfQ" ",
pronounced "masjoor". The word is used for something which lies on,
and is subsequently heated by, combustion or heat of some other
substance underneath.

For centuries, Arabs and Muslims were mystified and could not
comprehend how fire and water could co-exist.

Then came modern age geology and the discovery of faults in Earth's
crust; an intricate interconnected network of seemingly separate
faults stretching for hundreds of kilometers and going 65-150
kilometers deep into earth. It being one major fault is plainly stated
in another verse where God Almighty swears by the Earth and the Fault
in its structure. Scientists have come to liken this fault to an
intricate design welded around the sphere of a tennis ball.

The cracks allow molten lave to gush through so that there is constant
collision between cool sea water. Too much heat for the water to quell
and too much water, even for temperatures of over 1000 centigrade, to
be turned into steam, this is a phenomenon astounding scientists till

In one experiment, Russian Geologist Anatol Sbagovich, Russian
Geologist and Biologist Yuri Bagdanov and US scientist Rona Clint
ventured 1750 kilometers off the coast of Miami and then boarded a
sophisticated submarine and descended two miles below surface. The
submarine rested on the end of a rock shelf and the submarine's
acrylic window was the only barrier between them and scorching hot
water springing from cracks at the seabed at temperatures around 231

The team noticed cool surface water rushing down to about a mile deep
before it heats up and springs up again taking along debris and some
molten matter. Science proved that this is a phenomenon to be found in
all seas and oceans, though it is more frequent in certain places.

It was also found that volcanoes are more numerous and more active
under water and that volcanoes stretch the entire seabed. With
insufficient oxygen at such great depths, the lava gushing through is
black-hot with no direct combustion. This serves as a tray, if you
will, which heats up by the heat of lava underneath and heats up sea
water, the exact image rendered in the Quranic diction and Arabic
adjective cSLfQ"".

Great is His glory!

Reference : by Feras nour alhak


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