The Recession Blues!



"Television Sales!" Yeah right, my dream job in the classified section
of the local newspaper. The recession must have hit the television
industry hard. Years ago I would be lucky to see a posting like this
on a computer terminal at the state employment office.

I wish I could get a hold of my ex-girlfriend Brenda! Years ago she
worked as a receptionist at an ABC affiliate right here in South
Sunset county.

"T-e-l-e-s-i-s-m-e-d-i-a-p-r-o-d-u-c-t-i-o-n-s" is doing the hiring.
Well, I better get my ass out to the bookstore or I will find myself
on the unemployment line. TV sales will have to wait till my next

" aching back! I can hardly stand up". Dammit, I took two
extra strenght pain relievers last night before I turned in.

Darn it, if Brenda were here she would know exactly what to do with my
lower back pain with those magical hands of hers . Oh my, this kind of
thinking sure hits the spot. Man, I got a nice hard-on! When I get off
from work tonight, I'm going to check out that TV production company
on the internet! With my luck, that website probably got thousands of
hits by now.
Brenda where ever you are I miss you! I would give anything in the
world to date you again...dreams sure do die hard!

(c) 2009 Lee And Vance Publishing Company All rights reserved

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